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Courier: What is the Courier in Dota 2?

A Courier is a unit in Dota 2 used to send items to players on the battlefield while also making gold for its owner. Every player in the match has a Courier they can use whenever they want. The unit can’t be killed when it’s in its home fountain, but if it’s out, opponents can kill it. Once killed, all the items it was carrying will be inaccessible to everyone, and it will stop generating gold until it respawns.

The Courier [1] levels up with their owners and gets multiple bonuses immediately per level. At certain levels, the Courier gets a flying modifier turning it into a flying unit with flying vision. Once it gets the flying modifier, the Flying Courier replaces the original one.

Some tips on how to use Couriers in Dota 2

At the beginning of the game, try to keep your couriers near shops so you can use them when you need to. If you’re deploying a Courier for your teammate, accompany it to protect it from enemies trying to kill it because if your Courier dies, it will set your team behind in gold.

Alongside some general tips, here are some hotkeys you should remember that can help you use your Courier effectively.


  1. [1] "Dota 2 Wiki Courier page". Retrieved May 30, 2024

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