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Ability Haste: What is Ability Haste in League of Legends?

Contrary to popular belief, Ability Haste does not directly linearly reduce cooldown times. Instead, it represents the percentage reduction in the time it takes for a champion's abilities to refresh. As a Champion acquires more Ability Haste, the cooldowns decrease at a diminishing rate. 

The diminishing returns associated with Ability Haste mean that each additional point of Ability Haste provides less cooldown reduction than the previous one. This design choice encourages players to diversify their item builds and not solely focus on stacking Ability Haste for maximum cooldown reduction.

In the earlier versions of League of Legends, players were familiar with the Cooldown Reduction stat. CDR operated on a simple percentage basis, directly reducing the cooldown time of a champion's abilities. However, Riot Games[1] decided to revamp this system, giving rise to Ability Haste.

How Do You Increase Ability Haste?

The primary source of Ability Haste comes from items. Many items in the game provide Ability Haste as a stat bonus, and the amount varies depending on the item's rarity and purpose. Support items, mage-oriented items, and tank items often come with Ability Haste to cater to different roles and playstyles. Players should carefully select items that complement their champion's strengths and the needs of their team composition.

Runes also play a significant role in enhancing Ability Haste. The Precision and Domination rune trees offer options to increase Ability Haste, allowing players to customize their rune pages to suit their preferred playstyle. These choices can significantly impact a champion's early-game cooldown reduction, providing an advantage in the laning phase and skirmishes.

Champion abilities[2] themselves may contribute to Ability Haste. Some champions have abilities that grant bonus Ability Haste for a short duration or as a passive effect. Utilizing these abilities strategically during fights can provide a temporary boost to your champion's overall cooldown reduction, potentially turning the tide of a battle in your favor.

Additionally, elixirs and buffs can be temporary sources of Ability Haste. Elixirs purchased from the in-game shop provide a short-term boost to various stats, including Ability Haste. Additionally, some champions or team compositions may benefit from buffs granted by certain neutral objectives or allied champions, further enhancing their overall Ability Haste.


  1. [1] "Riot Games website". Retrieved May 25, 2024
  2. [2] "LoL fandom wiki Champion Abilities ". Retrieved May 25, 2024

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