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Draft Pick: What is the draft pick in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, the draft pick is a phase of the game where players select which champions they will play before the match begins. This process occurs in ranked games, professional esports competitions, and certain game modes like Draft Pick in normal games. The draft pick phase typically consists of two teams taking turns banning and picking champions from a pool of available options.

How Does the Draft Pick Phase Work?

Here's how the draft pick phase generally unfolds:

Bans: Each team takes turns banning champions they don't want to see in the game. This helps shape the upcoming match by removing particularly powerful or problematic champions. Each team typically gets to ban three champions.

Picks: After bans are completed, teams take turns selecting champions for their team. The order of picks can vary depending on the game mode, but it usually alternates between teams. This allows players to strategically choose champions that complement their team composition or counter the enemy team's picks.

Lock-In: Once all picks are made, players confirm their selections, and the champions are locked in for the match. At this point, players can no longer change their chosen champion.

Why is the Draft Pick Important?

The draft pick is extremely important as it pretty much sets the flow for the entire match, directly influencing its flow and outcome. The selection of champions during this phase allows teams to strategically craft compositions tailored to their strengths, weaknesses, and the objectives they aim to achieve. 

A well-thought-out draft can synergize champions' abilities, create powerful combos, and exploit weaknesses in the enemy team's composition. Conversely, overlooking the draft phase or making poor choices can leave a team at a significant disadvantage, as they may lack crucial elements such as crowd control, damage output, or defensive capabilities needed to succeed in various stages of the game.

Furthermore, the draft pick phase is pivotal for adapting to the evolving meta-game and countering opponent strategies. As the game progresses and new patches are introduced, certain champions may rise or fall in popularity due to changes in their abilities or itemization. Effective drafting requires teams to stay informed about these shifts and adjust their picks and bans accordingly. 

Additionally, studying the opponent's playstyle and preferences can inform strategic decisions during the draft, allowing teams to anticipate and neutralize threats posed by specific champions or compositions.

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