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Hybrid: What's a hybrid Champion or item in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, a "hybrid champion" refers to a champion whose abilities or basic attacks scale with more than one damage type. This means that their abilities or attacks can deal both physical and magical damage. Hybrid champions typically have a diverse set of abilities that allow them to deal damage through various means, making them versatile picks in team compositions.

Additionally, "hybrid items" in League of Legends are items that provide bonuses or stats that benefit champions who deal both physical and magical damage. These items often offer a mix of offensive and defensive stats, allowing champions to adapt to different situations and playstyles.

Hybrid Champions in League of Legends

Naturally, it’s much easier to understand the concept of a hybrid Champion or item when you have some examples of them. So, to make things easier, we’ll first be going through three popular hybrid Champions in the game, after which we’ll highlight three hybrid items to ensure you know just what the term means.


Akali utilizes both physical and magical damage in her kit. Her abilities, such as Five Point Strike (Q) and Twilight Shroud (W), deal magic damage, while her basic attacks and empowered auto-attacks from her passive, Assassin's Mark, deal physical damage.


Kayle is known for her scaling into a powerful late-game carry who deals both physical and magical damage. Her basic attacks are ranged and deal primarily physical damage, but her Righteous Fury (E) ability empowers her basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage.


Katarina is an assassin who primarily deals magic damage with her abilities, such as Bouncing Blades (Q) and Shunpo (E). However, her basic attacks and her ultimate ability, Death Lotus (R), deal with physical damage, making her a hybrid damage dealer.

Hybrid Items in League of Legends

Now that we’ve gone through three of the most popular hybrid Champions in League of Legends, it’s time to go through some of the most popular hybrid items in the game that affect both physical and magical stats.

Hextech Gunblade

Hextech Gunblade is a hybrid item that provides both attack damage and ability power, making it suitable for champions who benefit from both stats. It also grants life steal and spell vamp, making it a versatile choice for sustain-oriented champions like Akali and Katarina.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Guinsoo's Rageblade is another hybrid item that grants attack damage, ability power, and attack speed. Its unique passive, which grants bonus on-hit magic damage and increases in effectiveness with consecutive basic attacks, makes it a strong choice for champions who rely on both physical and magical damage, such as Kayle and Varus.

Wit's End

Wit's End is a hybrid item that provides attack speed, magic resistance, and on-hit magic damage. It synergizes well with champions who deal hybrid damage or rely on basic attacks, as it enhances their on-hit damage output while also providing defensive stats against magic damage sources. Champions like Kayle and Kog'Maw can benefit from building Wit's End.

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