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Rocket League Boost Services

Pinch Shot: How do you hit a pinch shot in

In Rocket League [1], a pinch shot is a powerful shot that players can hit by compressing the ball between their car and a different surface like the ground, wall, or another vehicle. Since the ball can’t get squished, the impact from both sides makes it shoot off in a direction at incredible speeds. Most people use pinch shots to clear the ball across the field or score goals, with the latter being rarer.

Hitting a pinch shot requires precise timing, where players must hit the ball with another surface simultaneously to increase the total power of the shot. As mentioned earlier, there are multiple pinch shots, like wall pinches, where the ball is pressed against the wall, ground pinches, where it’s squeezed against the ground, and team pinches, where two cars squeeze the ball together.

How to do a pinch shot in Rocket League?

It’s vital to have the second jump stored because it’s needed to pull off the technique to hit a pinch shot. As mentioned earlier, players can hit a pinch shot in three different ways.

For the ground pinch, the car must be in the air and fall on top of the ball to pinch it between itself and the floor. By double-jumping towards the ground to the end, it’s possible to make the ball fly off.

The wall pinch is similar to the ground pinch, but the difference is that players don’t have to be in the air to execute it in the former. If the player squeezes the ball between their car and the wall, the wall pinch will work.

The team pinch’s core trait is communication. Unlike other pinches, players can do this anywhere on the field if both teammates communicate effectively and hit the ball simultaneously at the correct angle.


  1. [1] "Rocket League official website". Retrieved September 05, 2024

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