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ESEA: What is ESEA in CS:GO?

ESEA or E-Sports Entertainment Association is essentially an esports competitive gaming online league & community founded by E-Sports Entertainment Association (ESEA). The company is widely known for its anti-cheat software, which is also its main selling point, as the biggest reason most players give for even giving ESEA a shot is to avoid having to play with or against cheaters.

However, ESEA organized matches are always more challenging than the regular matchmaking of CS:GO since the player base on this platform is much more experienced, and teamwork is of high importance at the top ranks in ESEA. It also features a system that allows players of all levels to play matches with each other, these matches include leagues, cups, and pick-up games.

However, there is a downside. To better protect the players against trolls, feeders, and cheaters, players wanting to use ESEA services are required to purchase a premium subscription. The many subscription plans are:

To learn more about ESEA as well as ESEA boosting then here’s the complete ESEA boosting guide.

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