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Deward: What is Dewarding in Dota 2?

In Dota 2, vision control is a critical aspect of the game, influencing strategic decisions, movements, and engagements. Dewarding, the process of removing enemy wards, plays a crucial role in maintaining or denying this vision. This article delves into the importance of dewarding and its impact on gameplay.

Why is Vision Important in Dota 2?

Vision provides information about enemy movements, potential ganks, and objective control. Wards, specifically Observer Wards, grant sight in key areas, enabling teams to make informed decisions. Controlling vision allows a team to anticipate enemy actions, plan ambushes, and avoid dangerous areas.

What Are the Types of Wards in Dota 2?

There are two main types of wards in Dota 2:

  1. Observer Wards: These provide vision in an area but do not reveal invisible units. They are typically placed in high-traffic areas like river paths, high grounds, and near objectives such as Roshan[2] and towers.
  2. Sentry Wards: These reveal invisible units and enemy wards within their range. Sentry Wards are often used to protect high-priority areas and assist in dewarding.

How is Dewarding Done?

Dewarding involves placing Sentry Wards[1] or using specific abilities to detect and destroy enemy wards. Players place Sentry Wards in common ward spots to reveal enemy Observer and Sentry Wards. Some heroes have abilities that aid in dewarding:

What is the Impact of Dewarding on the Game?

Effective dewarding denies the enemy team crucial vision, disrupting their strategy and making them vulnerable to ambushes. It also protects your team’s movements, enabling safer rotations and ganks. Removing enemy vision around objectives, such as Roshan, can secure key advantages in pivotal moments.

Tips for Effective Dewarding

In conclusion, mastering dewarding is essential for gaining a strategic edge in Dota 2. By denying the enemy team vision, you control the flow of the game and create opportunities for successful plays.


  1. [1] "Sentry Wards". Retrieved July 06, 2024
  2. [2] "Roshan". Retrieved July 06, 2024

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