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1v9: What is 1v9?

1v9 is an online boosting service that links players who want their accounts boosted to boosters who will do it for them. Unlike other boosting websites that feature several games, 1v9 only offers services for Riot Games titles like League of Legends and Valorant. The only non-Riot game on their selection is Valve’s Counter-Strike 2. The website is fairly new, with it being founded around mid-2023.

The service has gotten 100s of customers after its inception, but it’s still behind in terms of numbers when compared with its competition. With barely any time to make a name for itself, 1v9 is a borderline unknown entity in the boosting industry.

Founding History

The disclaimer on the website says that 1v9 has been around since 2024, but according to Jelle Toonenm’s LinkedIn profile [1], a Full-stack developer for the service who’s from North Holland, Netherlands, the site has been in the works since June 2023. Everything before his involvement with 1v9 shows that he’s been working on his coding skills before working on this project.

The service has a social media presence on various platforms like Twitter [2], Instagram [3], TikTok [4], YouTube [5], and Discord. The Twitter account has over 40 thousand followers and says it was made in 2019, but their first tweet was on March 3, 2024, meaning it was probably another account that was rebranded.

The social media posts of the service mostly consist of League of Legends memes. 1v9’s Discord server has over 4000 users, where players can chat and share things.

Unsurprisingly, the website’s traffic is lower than many of its competitors due to being very young. The following on 1v9’s social media accounts do not reflect its customer base. According to a similarweb [6], a traffic aggregating website, the boosting service has seen a decline in its traffic compared to the previous two months and a global rating of around 150 thousand as of May 2024.

Offered Services

As mentioned earlier, the website primarily offers boosting services to customers who want to get their accounts boosted. Because the main page of the service and the social media accounts focus on League of Legends, it’s clear to say that LoL is 1v9’s biggest game.

Customers have multiple purchase options. One option is queueing up with a booster in-game, and the second is letting them play on the client's account. The website also allows people to purchase accounts with skins and ranks.

1v9 also has a token system where repeat customers get credits that they can use to enter giveaways. These giveaways usually provide accounts, so while they likely won’t be of use for players who want to boost their own accounts, they’ll be perfect for those who want to purchase already-leveled and boosted accounts.

User Reviews

Trustpilot [7], a review aggregator, gives 1v9 4.7 stars out of 5, with over 400 reviews. Combining the fact that the website does not have known controversies and has good reviews on rating websites proves that the service is legit.

However, the fact of the matter is that most users prefer to go for websites that are more trustworthy and have more active users. While 1v9 is definitely legit, it doesn’t have the trustworthiness most big name boosting websites do.


  1. [1] "1v9 full-stack developer LinkedIn". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  2. [2] "1v9 Twitter". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  3. [3] "1v9 Instagram". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  4. [4] "1v9 TikTok". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  5. [5] "1v9 YouTube". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  6. [6] "1v9 Similarweb". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  7. [7] "1v9 Trustpilot". Retrieved May 17, 2024

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