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APS: What is APS in Path of Exile 2?

In Path of Exile 2, APS (Attacks Per Second) is a key stat that determines how many attacks a character can perform in one second with their equipped weapon or skill. APS is a critical factor for attack-based builds, influencing both damage output and the frequency of effect application during combat.

How Does APS Work?

APS is calculated based on a combination of factors:

  1. Weapon Base Attack Speed:
    Every weapon type in Path of Exile 2 has a default attack speed. For example, fast weapons like claws and daggers typically have a higher base APS, while slower weapons like maces or staves have lower values.
  2. Increased Attack Speed Modifiers:
    • Gear: Certain items grant increased attack speed, such as gloves, weapons, or unique items with attack-speed-related bonuses.
    • Passive Skill Tree: Nodes that provide increased attack speed are essential for maximizing APS.
    • Buffs and Auras: Effects like Onslaught or the Haste aura increase attack speed significantly.
  3. Skill-Specific Adjustments:
    Some skills have built-in attack speed modifiers, which can affect the APS when using them.

Why is APS Important in Path of Exile 2?

  1. Increased Damage Output:
    A higher APS means more hits per second, directly boosting the damage of attack-based skills such as Cyclone or Frenzy[1].
  2. Effect Stacking:
    Faster attacks allow players to stack effects like poison[2], bleed, or other on-hit modifiers more quickly, amplifying their impact.
  3. Utility and Recovery:
    Skills or items that trigger life or mana gain on hit benefit greatly from high APS, improving sustain in challenging encounters.


APS in Path of Exile 2 is a vital stat for attack-based builds, affecting both damage and utility. By optimizing weapon choice, modifiers, and skill synergies, players can significantly enhance their efficiency in battle.



  1. [1] "Frenzy". Retrieved January 02, 2025
  2. [2] "Poison". Retrieved January 02, 2025

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