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Automated Skill: What is Skill Automation in Path of Exile 2?

In Path of Exile 2, automated skills refer to skills that can be triggered or cast automatically under certain conditions without requiring manual activation by the player. This mechanic enhances gameplay by streamlining complex skill rotations, allowing players to focus on other aspects of combat like positioning or timing their main abilities.

How Do Automated Skills Work?

Automated skills are typically linked to specific conditions or setups that dictate when and how they activate. These setups can include:

  1. Trigger Gems:
    • Certain gems, such as Cast When Damage Taken or Cast on Critical Strike, automatically activate linked skills when their conditions are met.
    • Example: A Cast When Damage Taken gem linked to Immortal Call will cast the defensive skill when you take a certain amount of damage.
  2. Unique Items:
    • Some unique items in Path of Exile have built-in mechanics that trigger skills. For example, an item might cast a spell when you attack, block, or take damage.
  3. Passive Skills and Ascendancies:
    • Some passive tree nodes or Ascendancy perks may automate certain effects or skills. For instance, an Ascendancy might cause an aura to activate or reapply automatically when specific conditions are met.
  4. New Mechanics in Path of Exile 2:
    While Path of Exile 2 hasn’t fully detailed its automated skill innovations, developers have hinted at improvements to make trigger-based setups more intuitive and effective.

Benefits of Automated Skills

  1. Streamlined Gameplay: Players can focus on core mechanics, such as movement and main skills, while automated skills handle supplementary tasks.
  2. Defensive Automation: Automated skills like Immortal Call[1] or Molten Shell[2] provide instant protection during critical moments.
  3. Efficiency: Trigger setups maximize the use of utility or situational skills without manual activation.


Automated skills in Path of Exile 2 simplify complex rotations and enhance build versatility. By integrating trigger gems, unique items, and passive skills, players can optimize their gameplay and maintain focus on critical combat strategies.


  1. [1] "Immortal Call". Retrieved January 02, 2025
  2. [2] "Molten Shell". Retrieved January 02, 2025

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