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Boosting Ground: What is Boosting Ground?

Boosting Ground ( is an online website that offers several gaming-related services like boosting, coaching, and account leveling. First founded in 2016, the website has had over half a decade to establish itself in the gaming space and boosting industry, and it has managed to do just that.

Unlike some other websites that only focus on a handful of games, Boosting Ground instead opts to offer services for multiple games, even those that recently came out. While some might think this practice is good as it helps the website enter multiple markets, others argue that this results in Boosting Ground not being able to focus its resources on the games that require more attention.

Founding History

As mentioned above, the website was first founded in 2016 according to the Boosting Ground LinkedIn account [1]. With over half a decade since its inception, the website has had more than enough time to garner a user base and a reputation in the boosting industry.

Since the company is private it’s unknown who the founder of Boosting Ground is. Boosting Ground was initially founded in New York, USA [2]. However, the company’s headquarters is in Newark, Delaware, United States [3], suggesting that the founder might be from there too. With anywhere from 11 to 50 employees under the Boosting Ground name, the company’s Zoominfo suggests that the website has made less than $5 Million in revenue.

With boosters from all over the world (the official site cites the USA, Netherlands, Serbia, Russia, Croatia, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Portugal, England, Switzerland, Canada, France, and more), every single booster’s name and location can be seen in the Boosting Ground website [4]. Additionally, customers also have access to how many orders every booster has completed and how many stars customers have given every booster after a completed order.

Offered Services

Boosting Ground offers a wide array of gaming-related services for multiple games. The services include rank boosting, account leveling, agent contracts, raids, and more depending on the game you select.

The games Boosting Ground covers at the time of writing include:

Boosting Ground also covers Helldivers 2, which is a game that, although very popular and beloved by PS5 and PC players all over the world, is still relatively new. Finding boosters and other players willing and skilled enough to complete orders for customers is impressive, although some customers have reportedly experienced some mishaps in their Helldivers 2 orders.

Service Controversies

While Boosting Ground hasn’t been in too many controversies that made it out of Trustpilot, that doesn’t mean some of the 1-star reviews the website has received weren’t troubling. Despite the fact that Boosting Ground only has a meager 28 reviews on Trustpilot [5], some of the reviews raise red flags.

Some of the reviews are about the website’s support being lacking. A reviewer named Rudy Custodio, who also happened to be a former booster for the website stated that the supporters on Shift, which is the platform Boosting Ground uses to help boosters and other employees communicate with the company’s support, “don’t know what they’re doing.” 

On more than one occasion, reviewers have stated that the boosters who were hired to boost their accounts instead ended up spending the customer’s in-game currency and messing with their items.

User Reviews

As mentioned above, the website only has 28 reviews on Trustpilot, and although some of the reviews we went through were concerning, the Boosting Ground has a 4.4-star rating with 82% of the reviews being perfect 5-star ones.

Website review

Trustpilot isn’t the only place the website has reviews, as the Boosting Ground website also has reviews in the form of “comments.” Most of these user comments are anonymous and there’s no way to know if they’re legitimate or not, especially since they’re always overly positive with 5-star reviews.


  1. [1] "Boosting Ground LinkedIn". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Boosting Ground Zoominfo". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "Boosting Ground Crunchbase". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  4. [4] "Boosting Ground boosters page". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  5. [5] "Boosting Ground Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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