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Boosting Market: What is Boosting Market?

Boosting Market ( is an online boosting service providing website that excels in providing boosting services for a variety of games. Hailing from Singapore, this website has been around since 2019 according to its WHOIS registration date [1], indicating that the website has been around for half a decade.

With multiple years under its belt, Boosting Market has garnered a sizeable audience base mostly thanks to the high number of games the website supports. However, behind the extremely positive reviews spreading out to two different reviewing websites, some one-star reviews raise some alarming red flags.

Founding History

The Boosting Market website is based in Singapore as shown by the owner information section of the website’s privacy policy [2]. However, it’s unknown who the Boosting Market owner and founder is, as the information has not been disclosed as of yet.

The Boosting Market WHOIS registration date suggests that the website has been around since 2019. However, while the website has both a Trustpilot and a page, the page has been around since 2019 when the website initially started its services, while the Trustpilot is relatively newer.

Offered Services

As the name of the website suggests, Boosting Market excels in providing boosting services for multiple games. 

The games this website supports include League of Legends, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, Rocket League, Dota 2, Overwatch 2, Counter-Strike 2, Apex Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Fortnite, and The Finals. Warzone and Destiny 2 are both stated to be “coming soon,” although there’s no news as to when the games might hit the website’s offerings.

Depending on which game’s services you go for, you might see a different set of offered services that customers can opt for. For example, Rocket League is the only game you can buy Rocket Racing services for. Similarly, CS2 is the only game customers can purchase Faceit-related services for.

Service Controversies

If you go to Boosting Market’s page and filter the reviews to show you one-star reviews only, then you’ll see a concerningly high number of reviews to be under investigation. The overall rating for Boosting Market there is 4.9 out of 5, and some of the negative reviews have been under investigation for well over a year.

Since Boosting Market has been using the website [1] for around half a decade, some customers assume that the reviews are manipulated in some way, likely by reporting anonymous one-star reviews as spam knowing that there likely is no way for the reviewer to be confirmed to be legit.

There seems to be a lot of negative feedback about the website’s boosters. For example, a verified reviewer on Trustpilot made a review stating that the booster assigned to them used a stolen account to play with the customer. The original customer then reported the customer to Riot on grounds of being boosted.

A review on suggests that some boosters apparently try to “hustle” customers out of spending more money than they need to. According to a review, a booster named “Arby” tried lying to the customer and feigning rules and regulations that don’t exist in an effort to try and make the customer spend more on tips.

User Reviews

Looking at the website's, it has a total rating of 4.9 out of 5. Boosting Market has an exceptional rating here, even when you consider the negative reviews that are under investigation.

While the Boosting Market Trustpilot [2] is relatively newer compared to its page, it still has an impressive 4.9 out of 5 stars with a little less than 800 individual reviewers at the time of writing. However, it’s odd that there’s only a single one-star review there, something that is extremely unlikely when the number of people reviewing is so high


  1. [1] "Boosting Market". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Boosting Market Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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