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BoostingBoss: What is BoostingBoss?

BoostingBoss ( is a rank and division boosting website specializing only in League of Legends. The website is owned by UnrankedSmurf, one of the leading League of Legends account-selling websites, and was founded back in February 2021.

Although BoostingBoss isn’t nearly as popular or well-known as its parent company, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its fair share of customers, both former and current. With over 3 years under its belt, BoostingBoss is still going strong and has managed to build a small yet dedicated userbase.

Founding History

Before we go through BoostingBoss, it’s important to have a general overview of UnrankedSmurf. While you can get a detailed description on the website here, the gist of things is that UnrankedSmurf is one of the most popular League of Legends account-selling websites.

Back in 2021, the website put out a blog post [1] introducing BoostingBoss, a brand-new project from the same team as UnrankedSmurf. However, the BoostingBoss website initially launched in 2020 when it was still offering LoL boosting services. While the details about the website were the same as what most other boosting websites claim like having the best boosters and ensuring that all measures are taken to keep the customer’s account as safe as possible, one specific promise stood out to users.

Since UnrankedSmurf is one of the leading account-selling websites out there, one of their policies is that they have a warranty for every single account they sell. Well, according to the blog post, BoostingBoss would also have that warranty, and the website would take responsibility for any issues a customer’s account may face during or shortly after the boosting process. 

BoostingBoss was essentially saying that if a customer’s account was banned or suspended during a boosting session then the website would cover the cost and take responsibility. It’s important to keep this specific point in mind as it’ll come into play later.

Offered Services

As we mentioned above, BoostingBoss specializes exclusively in League of Legends boosting. Whereas most other websites spread out into other games as well, the same can’t be said about his website. It’s unknown whether this is because the BoostingBoss higher-ups only want to focus all of their attention on one game or if it’s because the website isn’t seeing the growth it wants to risk expanding into other ELO boosting markets.

Fortunately, the League of Legends service has a handful of offerings depending on what the customer might want. These offerings include the usual rank, or division boosting, where the booster takes the customer’s account to a specific rank, win boosting, where the booster wins a predetermined number of matches, and placement boosting, where the booster plays the customer’s placements for or with them to maximize chances of success.

To hire boosters, BoostingBoss also has a Google Form [2] that gives us an idea of what they look for in a booster. Interestingly, the form suggests that the boosting website offers a free VPN to the boosters that are selected, something that top boosting websites like Eloking also do, showcasing BoostingBoss’ dedication to keeping things safe and secure.

Service Controversies

Surprisingly, BoostingBoss is one of the only boosting service websites that hasn’t been in any major controversies in the past. Unfortunately, this isn’t because the website tries its best to stay out of any controversies, but because it just isn’t as well-known as some other boosting websites out there, despite its relation with UnrankedSmurf.

For example, looking at its Trustpilot [3], the website only has 4 reviews in total, and while all four of them are perfect 5-star reviews, they don’t really do much to give confidence to potential customers. Additionally, although BoostingBoss has a handful of reviews on the website [4] itself, most users tend to ignore those as personal website-based reviews can be easily forged or manipulated, which may be a reason BoostingBoss isn’t as big as it can be.

User Reviews

For the same reasons as mentioned above, there isn’t really much to say about BoostingBoss in terms of customer and user reviews. Although almost every review about BoostingBoss is positive and doesn’t have a single bad thing to say about the website or its services, the number of reviews on Trustpilot is just so few.

As for the reviews on the website’s page, as is to be expected, all of them are positive. However, since the reviews are on BoostingBoss’ website, many users are skeptical about their authenticity, especially when you consider how one review outright denies being a fake review, raising even more red flags.

BoostingBoss reviews

The website also has an entry in scamadvisor [5]. Although all of the BoostingBoss reviews on Trustpilot and the BoostingBoss website are entirely positive, the same can’t be said for the reviews on scamadvisor. On the contrary, the website states that BoostingBoss has a trust score of only 6 out of 100, which is extremely bad, as even some of the sketchiest websites have a score of at least 20.


  1. [1] "Unrankedsmurf blog post". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "BoostingBoss booster form". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "BoostingBoss Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  4. [4] "BoostingBoss website reviews page". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  5. [5] "BoostingBoss Scamadviser". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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