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Chaos Orbs: What are Chaos Orbs used for in Path of Exile 2?

A Chaos Orb in Path of Exile 2 [1] is a crafting currency item that players can use to reroll stats of a rare item. When used, it randomizes the item’s set to change its modifiers. This effect makes it popular in the PoE community since it lets players change their favorite items into something that favors their build. Since it's randomized, gamers often use multiple Chaos Orbs to get desired stats. Using Chaos Orbs numerous times on a single item is called Chaos spamming.

Besides crafting, Chaos Orbs are essential to the game’s economy since they are the primary currency players use to trade lower and mid-tier items. Gamers can get Chaos Orbs by killing enemies, following vendor recipes, and trading, so it’s not uncommon. 

What's the best way to get Chaos Orbs in Path of Exile 2?

There are multiple ways to get Chaos Orbs in Path of Exile 2. However, the issue is that most methods require players to sink a considerable amount of time which can get annoying fairly quickly.

Therefore, the method we recommend players use to acquire as many Chaos Orbs as they want is to purchase them from the Eloking PoE 2 marketplace. Not only is this the fastest way to get Chaos Orbs, but it's also the safest. Naturally, it helps that players can get however many Chaos Orbs they want.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 05, 2024

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