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Curse Bot: What is a Curse Bot in Path of Exile 2?

A Curse Bot in Path of Exile 2 is a support-focused character build that specializes in applying multiple curses to weaken enemies. These builds are commonly used in party play, where they enhance the damage output of allies while making enemies significantly weaker.

Curse Bots do not focus on dealing direct damage but instead maximize debuffs to control fights, reduce enemy resistances, and provide valuable utility.

How Does a Curse Bot Work?

A Curse Bot works by:

Key Mechanics and Items for a Curse Bot

To be effective, Curse Bots rely on items and mechanics that allow them to apply multiple curses efficiently:

Why Use a Curse Bot?

Curse Bots are particularly valuable in multiplayer settings due to their ability to:

Is a Curse Bot Worth Using in Path of Exile 2?

With changes to curse mechanics and support builds in PoE 2, Curse Bots are likely to remain a strong and viable support option in high-level content. Players who enjoy team play and strategic debuffing will find Curse Bots a rewarding and effective build.



  1. [1] "Temporal Chains". Retrieved February 06, 2025
  2. [2] "Hexblast". Retrieved February 06, 2025

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