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EB24: What is EB24 and is it better than Eloking?

EB24, or EloBoost24, is a boosting service provider mainly known for its League of Legends boosting services. About 10 years after it first started, EB24 has developed a huge user base, with over 40,000 orders completed.

Despite their website domain being '.eu', they operate worldwide, with 700+ boosters and coaches from all around the world. With so many years under its belt, the website has accumulated a large fanbase.

Founding History

As mentioned above, it’s about to be 10 years since EB24 started providing its services, as the website was founded on December 8, 2016 [1]. ELOBOOST24 GROUP LTD, the private company behind EloBoost24, has its registered office address set to Unit 4e Enterprise Court, Farfield Park, Manvers, Rotherham, indicating that it originates from the UK [2].

Although the website originates from the UK, the founder and leader of the company is of Polish origin. Amadeusz Giblak is the leader of EloBoost24 [3]. While he has an extensive background in law as he was a trainee lawyer at The Warsaw Bar Association, he has also gotten his Master's in Business Administration from the University of Warsaw [4].

Since its inception, EloBoost24 has gone through many director changes. While the company initially started with a total of 4 directors by the end of 2017, there have been many terminations and additions since, suggesting the hierarchy of the company might be shaky at best.

Offered Services

As mentioned above, EloBoost24 is a boosting company first and foremost. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t provide other services, as coaching and account trading are also part of the website’s forte.

Firstly, the company provides boosting services for the following games:

The website also offers coaching services for all of these games, although the website is definitely more known for its boosting services when compared to its coaching services.

Finally, EB24 also provides an online account marketplace for League of Legends, Valorant, and Teamfight Fortress. As this service in particular isn’t nearly as popular as the website’s boosting service, the games supported are also less in comparison.

Service Controversies

Despite being in business for so long, EB24 has been in a surprisingly low number of controversies. However, that doesn’t mean its record is completely squeaky clean. Perhaps the biggest point of criticism for this website is that its boosters aren’t as good as EloBoost24 makes them out to be.

When you go to the website’s Trustpilot, most of the one-star reviews talk about how the booster provided to them wasn’t up to the mark. While it’s understandable that a booster can’t possibly win every single game, the sheer number of reviews raises some red flags.

User Review

Finally, EB24’s reviews on Trustpilot are fairly positive [5]. The website has over 6,000 reviews on Trustpilot, showing the sheer number of customers it has had over the years. However, as is to be expected from a website of this size, the one-star reviews are pretty numerous.

EloBoost24 has a total of 86% perfect 5-star reviews which is impressive. On the other hand, only 3% of the website’s reviews are 1-star, showcasing why it’s considered one of the top three best websites alongside the likes of Eloking.


  1. [1] "EB24 Crunchbase profile". Retrieved May 02, 2024
  2. [2] "EB24 company profile". Retrieved May 02, 2024
  3. [3] "EB24 company profile information". Retrieved May 02, 2024
  4. [4] "EB24 founder LinkedIn". Retrieved May 02, 2024
  5. [5] "EB24 Trustpilot". Retrieved May 02, 2024

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