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Eldorado: What is Eldorado and is it better than Eloking?

Eldorado ( is an online marketplace for buying and selling several gaming-related items, accounts, and other services. In addition to selling gaming accounts, the website also dabbles in boosting services, although they aren’t nearly as popular as the website’s buying and selling services.

First founded in 2018, Eldorado has made a name for itself thanks to the high number of games the website supports. With an extremely high number of reviews on Trustpilot, the website has been in its fair share of controversies, but the consensus is largely positive, at last when it comes to the website’s buying and selling services.

Founding History

Eldorado was founded in 2018 [1] by Lithuanian-born individuals. One of the co-founders was Vladas Jurkevicius [2]. Jurkevicius has participated in a handful of other gaming-related ventures as well, including being the CEO and co-founder of Atlantis Games [3], a company that builds products for gaming developers and the esports industry, as well as Humbility and Helis Plays.

Interestingly, most of the employees at Eldorado are from Lithuania, though the company tends to hire boosters from various places in the world. Eldorado might be struggling to find Lithuanian employees, as indicated by the number of LinkedIn job openings [4] that are frequently being opened. 

When the website initially began it did so by selling gold in World of Warcraft. This is where the name of the website comes from too, as Eldorado refers to the hidden City of Gold. However, they then spread out and expanded their services to include multiple games and multiple services.

Offered Services

As mentioned above, the primary service Eldorado provides is the buying and selling of in-game accounts and currencies. The games Eldorado supports for account selling include popular games like League of Legends as well as some niche games like Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade.

The website also offers boosting services that, while not nearly as popular or beloved as the website’s other services, still cover a hefty amount of games that customers can boost their accounts for.

Finally, in addition to the aforementioned services, the website also offers in-game item buying and selling services. These include things like a specific number of attacks for Clash of Clans and certain skins and other cosmetics for Fortnite. 

In addition to offering a high number of services and covering multiple games, Eldorado also gives customers a lot of freedom of choice in terms of what they want to buy and how they want to filter their searches.

Service Controversies

With so many years under its belt, it’s only natural that Eldorado has been in a bunch of controversies. However, the thing we want to highlight is that many of the negative reviews and blog posts have been removed. An example of this is a post TheGlobalGaming [5] made that was deleted for unknown reasons.

Additionally, there was a fairly popular post made on Reddit talking about how Eldorado had scammed users in the past. However, the subreddit r/GamingMarket where the post was ended up being deleted, but we were able to acquire a screenshot of it thanks to the Wayback Machine [6].

The post has several former customers reporting about how some of the accounts they bought ended up having their accounts changed via a submitted ticket to Riot by the original owner. Additionally, a user who tried selling their account apparently shared the login credentials of the account they wanted to sell with Eldorado, but the account’s password was then changed, raising some red flags.

User Reviews

Eldorado has over 25,000 reviews on Trustpilot [7], showcasing how big the buying and selling service the website offers is.

However, not all is positive for the website as 88% of the reviews are perfect 5-star ones while 9% are 1-star reviews. While all of the perfect reviews talk about how the sellers they bought accounts and other in-game items from were excellent, others were unfortunately not so positive. Since Eldorado has many sellers, not all of them are monitored as they should be.

This lax monitoring of sellers ends up damaging the customers, as there’s a scarily high number of people who bought an account only for the original owner (seller) to change the login credentials and then ghost the seller, despite taking the full amount of the account.


  1. [1] "Eldorado Crunchbase". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Vladas Rocketreach profile". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "Atlantisgames website". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  4. [4] "Eldorado LinkedIn profile". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  5. [5] "Deleted TheGlobalGaming blog on Eldorado". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  6. [6] "Web archive of deleted Reddit post". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  7. [7] "Eldorado Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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