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Entry Fragging: What is entry fragging?

Entry fragging is when a player pushes before his entire team onto a site or an area to open it up by killing one or multiple enemies. It’s an important role when attacking because getting into an area is the key to winning and giving the team the edge by reducing the enemy numbers alone.

Being an entry fragger is extremely tough, requiring good game sense and great aim. Those who want to entry frag effectively must enter without fear and be sure that their aim is good enough for any surprises. Although most players die almost immediately while attempting to enter frag, getting enemy info alone is worth it.

How to get good at Entry Fragging

The two main factors needed to consistently entry frag are good aim and quick reaction times.

To get better at aiming, the only thing players must do is practice. However, that doesn’t mean they should only practice in competitive matches. What players can do is use programs like Aimlabs [1] that are specifically built for aim practices and trials. This application can help with flick shots and tracking enemies.

As for reaction times, Aimlabs can be very effective in that too, by having multiple courses where targets pop up. Another good way is to join Deathmatch games. In deathmatch games, enemies always show up suddenly to kill, so players must stay vigilant or ready. 

Another thing that people don’t mention much is site knowledge, so players know where to look and expect shots from. However, to get good at site knowledge, players must play there to practice and figure out the most common hiding spots


  1. [1] "Aimlabs home page". Retrieved September 06, 2024

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