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ESL: What is ESL in eSports?

ESL is a German esports organizer and production company that produces video game competitions worldwide.

Not only is ESL the oldest operation e-sports company, but back in 2015, it was the world’s largest. Being based in Cologne, Germany, the company had eleven offices to its name as well as multiple TV studios around the globe.

Formerly known as Electronic Sports League, ESL was acquired by Savvy Games Group (SGG) alongside Faceit. Now, the two acquired companies are set to merge and form the ESL FaceIt Group. You could learn more about this acquisition by reading our article on ESL & FACEIT being sold.

In the past, ESL hosted competitions all around the globe and even partnered with notable names in the gaming industry such as Blizzard Entertainment, Riot Games, Microsoft, Activision, and most importantly, Valve whose two games Dota 2 and CS:GO they still cover extensively to this day.

Some of the many notable competitions they hosted are:

If you think these are a lot, then it’s important we tell you that this is simply the tip of the iceberg. After all, ESL is easily the largest e-sports company to broadcast on a little streaming platform some of you might have heard about known as Twitch.

Battlefield 4, Counter-Strike, Dota 2, Halo, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Mortal Kombat, Smite, StarCraft II, World of Tanks, Rainbow Six Siege, ESL has broadcasted them all, and under SGG we’re sure they aren’t done yet!

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