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F2P: What counts as a F2P game?

F2P is the abbreviation for “free to play” which refers to the model where a video game is free to download from select digital stores and play. While these games may not have any initial costs, they usually generate revenue through in-game purchases that allow players to use new features or give them cosmetic items. Game companies use this model so that a wide audience can enjoy the game with any upfront payments but then buy virtual things that will give them profit.

The F2P model applies to almost any video game genre, including but not limited to FPS, MOBAs, RPGs, and more. Some examples of popular F2P games are Rocket League, Fortnite [1], and Valorant. Although most free games only let players purchase cosmetics, some titles have a “pay-to-win” model, which gets criticized a lot by the gaming community.

What does it mean when a game is F2P friendly?

When players call a game F2P friendly, they mean when a game gives them a fair experience between those who don’t spend any money and others who do. This strategy makes sure that players who don’t pay can access the majority of the content within the game, progress normally, or don’t get any disadvantages without feeling pressured to make purchases. An example of an F2P-friendly title is Fortnite, where players are on the same playing ground no matter how much money they spend.

On the other hand, non-friendly F2P games provide players with advantages or extra content when they spend money in-game. Examples of unfriendly F2P games include Marvel SNAP [2]and Warframe, where although people can start playing the titles for free, they must spend money to progress and win.


  1. [1] "Official Fortnite website". Retrieved July 26, 2024
  2. [2] "Official Marvel SNAP website". Retrieved July 26, 2024

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