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GameBoost: What is GameBoost?

GameBoost ( is an online website that provides videogame-related services including ELO boosting, coaching, and the selling of accounts with specific properties. Having been around since 2018, the website has had more than enough time to garner a sizeable audience of customers wanting to get their accounts boosted.

However, underneath the facade of professionalism might lie some alarming secrets that has caused several controversies in the past. With over half a decade since the website was first established, there’s a lot to know about GameBoost, and we’ll go through the most important things.

Founding History

GameBoost was founded in 2018 by Croatian national Kristijan Salijević [1]. Interestingly, Salijević was a booster himself before he founded GameBoost. While he had no prior experience of owning or running anything close to an ELO boosting company, his time as a booster for fellow boosting company EB24 (Eloboost24) might have given him some info on how the industry works.

Despite being established in 2018, GameBoost continued to slow at a consistently slow pace and only passed 100 monthly visitors in January 2020 according to Semrush [2]. The website managed to increase their monthly visitors by a bit over the year as September 2020 gave them around 500.

While the number of monthly visitors was indeed low, less than two years later in 2022 the website managed to secure €500,000 in pre-seed funding from a recurring Croatian investor; Fil Rouge Capital (FRC). However, documents suggest the website burned through the money in just 8 months, raising the question of what they did with it. 

Interestingly, while GameBoost received the initial investment in April 2022, by the end of the 2022 fiscal year they had already spent €1,202,464.40 [3], which is more than twice its original funding. It seems this rocky and frankly expensive start did little to deter investors as GameBoost received another €2,000,000 in Seed funding from FRC and a
new financier, Feelsgood Capital. [4]

Offered Services

Moving on, it’s time to go through the services GameBoost offers customers as an ELO boosting company. GameBoost provides boosting services for different games. Boosting commonly involves skilled players, known as boosters, playing on behalf of the user to achieve specific goals, such as increasing the user's rank, completing challenging missions, or winning matches.

In addition to boosting, GameBoost offers the sale of pre-leveled or pre-ranked accounts. These accounts often come with certain achievements, levels, or rankings, allowing users to start the game at a more advanced stage. However, this particular service isn’t that well known when compared to the other services GameBoost offers.

The final service GameBoost offers is coaching services where experienced players provide guidance and tips to help users improve their individual gaming skills. This can include personalized advice on strategy, mechanics, and overall gameplay.

The platform supports a variety of popular games, including League of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch 2, and World of Warcraft. This broad coverage allows GameBoost to cater to a diverse audience interested in different gaming genres. A complete list of games GameBoost supports at the time of writing is given below:

The website states that Fortnite and Destiny 2 would be added to the list soon, but it’s unknown when that might happen as they’ve been in the ‘coming soon’ category for a while.

Service Controversies

The GameBoost website used bots to pretty much spam those who had received boosting services either from them or from other boosting platforms with messages sent by bots. As you can imagine, the messages advertised GameBoost and its services. While it’s unknown how GameBoost found these accounts, many assume the platform designed scripts to track their own customer’s patterns and data.

While advertising like this wouldn’t be too much of a problem and would just annoy those who received the messages, the problem runs much deeper than most might think. Since doing this is illegal and can have severe repercussions both for competitive boosting platforms and customers who had their accounts boosted, GameBoost received severe backlash, especially when the owner’s sarcastic and unhinged response to all of the concerns started circulating on the internet.

This isn’t the only controversy the platform has been in, as GameBoost saw another major controversy thanks to its anti-competition practices. In the past, GameBoost has scalped, or pretty much stolen away employees from other boosting platforms and then paid them to write false, biased articles trashing their prior employers. 

An example of this is when GameBoost stole away Muhammad Nagi, who was being trained by the Eloking team, and immediately had him write articles talking trash about competitors. Some major companies that have had articles like this written about this include Eloking, GGBoost, and EB24.

User Reviews

Now, we’ll be looking at the website’s Trustpilot [5], which has over 7,000 reviews and a total rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars.

When it comes to the 5-star reviews, most of them talk about the excellent service they received or name drop a specific booster who was assigned to them. Recommending a specific booster gives the impression that the booster might have asked the customer to leave a good review on Trustpilot for them.

On the other hand, the platform has a shockingly low number of one-star reviews. When considering the high number of controversies the website has been in, it’s odd for it to only have less than 1% of their reviews to be one-star. However, the one-star reviews that are there range from those complaining about the high cost of buying accounts from GameBoost to those complaining that their account got banned after either a boosting session or purchasing an account from the website.


  1. [1] "Kristijan Salijević LinkedIn". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Semrush website". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "GameBoost spending history". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  4. [4] "Feelsgood Capital about page". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  5. [5] "GameBoost Trustpilot". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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