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Glass Cannon: What is a Glass Cannon Character

Glass cannon characters or build types typically rely on their damage output to take down enemies quickly, but they can be easily defeated if caught out of position or focused by the enemy team.

Glass cannons often have abilities that allow them to deal damage from a distance or quickly burst down targets before they can react. They are typically classified as damage dealers, such as mages or marksmen, and can be very effective if played correctly. The term cannon is used to describe them because of their destructive damage potential.

However, while this all sounds pretty good on paper, the fact of the matter is that glass cannons are what you might call high risk, high reward characters. Because they have low defenses, they can be easily killed if they are caught out of position or focused by the enemy team, and that’s where the term ‘glass’ comes in as they’re easily killable just like glass is easily breakable.

You might be wondering why anyone would even play as a glass cannon if they’re so easy to kill. Well, nothing’s quite as satisfying as getting away with some quick and clean kills against the enemy. 

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