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Healer: What is the role of healers in competitive games?

The healer is arguably the most important unit in any competitive team as they ensure team members are constantly getting their health regenerated. Healers are found in almost every genre of competitive video games, from FPS games to RPGs and third-person shooters.

Healers often have spells, potions, or skills dedicated to healing injuries, curing debuffs, and even reviving fallen allies. Naturally, healers play a crucial role in maintaining the team’s longevity and are typically positioned away from the front lines to avoid taking damage themselves.

However, staying away from the enemy isn’t enough, as it’s also important that the healer’s team members are keeping the healer safe. Thanks to this, most healers usually have a designated tank or bruiser teammate who ensures the healer can get away if under attack.

How do you play a good healer?

The tips to play a good healer depends on the game you’re playing. For example, if you’re playing a game where the healer has potions, then it’s important to ensure you’re constantly stacked up. On the other hand, in games where you must shoot something to heal teammates, you must have good aim.

However, the one thing every healer must have is the ability to act quickly. It’s important to keep an eye on all of your teammates and react according to their health. If a player is about to die, it’s important that the healer is there before their health reaches zero to heal them. Because of this, many healers usually have abilities that allow them to quickly move around, like Mercy [1] or Lucio [2] from Overwatch 2.


  1. [1] "Official Mercy hero page". Retrieved November 05, 2024
  2. [2] "Official Lucio hero page". Retrieved November 05, 2024

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