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Hero Boosting: What is Hero Boosting?

Hero Boosting ( is a website specializing in boosting services for games like Valorant, League of Legends, Dota 2, and The Finals. Alongside this, they also provide coaching services for all of the aforementioned games.

The Hero Boosting website was initially founded back in 2017 and is hosted in Texas, Dallas, United States Of America [1], although the first evidence of a completed order for the website is near the end of 2020 thanks to its reviews.

Despite the more than impressive 4+ years under its belt, the website boasts a lackluster 10 reviews on Trustpilot, something that could potentially be because users can leave their reviews on the website itself [2].

Founding History

Hero boosting was first started in 2016 by the Singaporean founder Nicholas, who refuses to disclose his full name [3]. Despite being an O Level graduate and not having any marketing experience or experience running a business, Nicholas took the leap of faith and started a boosting website to help “frustrated gamers” climb the ranks.

It isn’t as though Nicholas didn’t have a history in boosting and gaming, as he used to be an avid League of Legends gamer in his time. He also worked for LoL Academy, another well-known boosting website, and went as far as to move to Europe from Singapore to work with them before founding his own website.

However, in the founder’s own words, the first Hero Boosting website was “hot garbage” and “had zero functionality.” Thanks to this, the founder revamped the website a whopping four times before coming to the website that you can see today.

The first website was developed for an amount between SGD200 and SGD400, an amount that’s fairly on the low-end. However, when it comes to the new website, Hero Boosting reportedly blew around SGD$20,000 in marketing by 2020 when Nicholas gave the only available interview, showcasing that Nicholas took significantly more risks with the new website.

Copying other websites

The boosting website industry may be different in nature when compared to some other businesses, but plagiarism and stealing from competitors is still frowned upon. This is why it was so shocking when Nicholas outright stated that one of his strategies to make Hero Boosting known in the industry after losing thousands of dollars in failed marketing attempts was to copy competitors.

“I started to make use of my competition by copying the good parts of their site and processes, and improving on them,” he stated.

Services Offered

At the time of writing Hero Boosting offers services for Apex Legends, Dota 2, League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, The Finals, and Valorant. The services range from regular rank/division boosting services that have boosters play with the accounts of the customers, to coaching services where high-level players take the role of guiding figures to help customers improve their skills in the selected game.

Additionally, there are some extra services that customers can choose depending on the game they’re interested in. For example, Low Priority is a Dota 2-exclusive feature, and therefore, Low Priority boosting can only be done with Dota 2.

Service Controversies

Hero Boosting has been in a number of controversies in its years of being in the business, and we’re about to highlight some of the most known ones.

Although Hero Boosting has been providing its boosting services for years now, one thing it suffers from is a major lack of suitable boosters and coaches. This is proven by how the website is constantly on the search for new players to hire.

However, it seems their efforts don’t pay off the way they should, as several reviews, both on Trustpilot and on the Hero Boosting website, state that they confirmed their order and made their payment and were later told that there were either no boosters available at the time or that all of them were “on vacation.” This is contrary to what Nicholas stated in an interview in 2020 when he said that Hero Boosting had “about 160 boosters across all games.”

Thanks to this lack of boosters, many customers end up having to wait multiple days for their order to even start, something that goes against what most boosting websites aim for and promise.

Additionally, the website seems to have some dedicated haters who are apparently past customers of the website. The biggest example of this is Facebook user “Justin Berkley,” who has commented the following on every single one of Hero Boosting’s Facebook posts, though limited they may be[4].

“Do NOT do business with this company. They will not take accountability for damages done. Scam company.”

The most alarming thing is that despite the fact that the Hero Boosting Facebook account hasn’t posted anything since 2020, Berkley searched for the account and commented on every post in 2023, three years after the account was essentially abandoned.

Trustpilot is known to be one of the most trusted sources of finding out whether a website or service is worth it and genuine or not. However, Hero Boosting seems to have gone a different route by having most of the website-based reviews be given directly on the website instead of involving any third party.

Unfortunately, this makes it very easy to add fake reviews praising the website and delete any negative review that goes against what the website wishes to portray to its potential target audience.

Interestingly, although the reviews are more likely to be forged, there is still a shockingly high number of negative reviews on the Hero Boosting website, making many believe that the website might have given up on moderating the reviews section of the website.

Customer Feedback

As mentioned above, not only does Hero Boosting have reviews on the website’s Trustpilot, but also direct reviews on the website. 

Trustpilot Reviews

Firstly, the Trustpilot reviews are very low, coming in at just a measly 10 reviews. As compared to similar boosting and coaching websites like Eloking which have over 100x the number of reviewers, many potential customers are put off by the low number.

Additionally, it isn’t as though the few reviews that are there are all positive. On the contrary, Hero Boosting has a 3.8-star rating on Trustpilot, and more than half of the reviews are one-star reviews. 

From starting the order too late to being paired up with unprofessional boosters, to even losing too many matches when the order actually did happen, the one-star reviews all have one thing in common, which is that they had a terrible experience with the website.

That isn’t to say all of the reviews are bad, as the five-star reviews praise the website’s speed, quality, live chat services, and other features one would expect from a boosting website. 

Direct Website Reviews

As mentioned above, Hero Boosting also has reviews that are given directly on the website. These reviews are much higher in quantity when compared to the Trustpilot reviews, totaling around 20,000 at the time of writing and giving potential customers more to go on.

Out of the high number of reviews, 95% are 5-star reviews. While this would be positive in most circumstances, when you consider that the reviews are left on the website directly, the question of how many reviews are fake is raised. After all, most of the 5-star reviews, which is around 18,000 at the time of writing, are anonymous reviews that leave just one word instead of actually putting effort into giving proper feedback. 

Additionally, there are also a handful of 1-star reviews on the website. Some of them seem to be insinuating that the boosters are “too skilled.” One example is a review from an anonymous reviewer that reads:

“My account got banned due to boosting. booster was playing so hard to win games super easily.Boosterr (booster) should play normally to win games not so hard to avoid ban."

The other one-star reviews state that the boosters either didn’t win the matches that were promised or didn’t complete the order at all, something that sets a very dangerous precedent for boosting websites in general.


  1. [1] "Hero Boosting Website Data". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  2. [2] "Hero Boosting website reviews". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  3. [3] "KR Asia Interview article with Hero Boosting founder". Retrieved April 24, 2024
  4. [4] "Hero Boosting Facebook". Retrieved April 24, 2024

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