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HUD: What's a HUD in video games?

Heads-Up Display, commonly known as the HUD, is an interface element in video games that provides players with information on their screen while not stopping or interfering with the gameplay. Most HUDs in the game display information like health, ammo, map, teammate locations, chat, and more. Competitive games try to show players vital information without cluttering the screen too much.

The type of information a HUD can show the player depends from game to game. FPS games typically show players their health, ammo, crosshairs, and what direction they’re getting damaged, while MOBAs like League of Legends often show character stats, damage points, radars, kill feeds, and more. Single-player games like the Final Fantasy series [1] typically hide the HUD for an immersive experience and bring it back during action sequences.

What are the best HUD settings for CS2?

For the best radar settings, it’s essential to reduce the Radar size and Map zoom so that it’s not too distracting while simultaneously giving valuable information. It’s best to set the HUD scale to the smallest selectable size, 0.9. 

In the HUD settings, toggle the “Radar Centers The Player” option to Yes so you can see everything happening around you. Also, confirm the “Radar is Rotating” toggle is in the Yes option. Set the Radar HUD Size to 1.1. In case you feel like there’s not enough information in the Radar, enable the “Toggle Shape With Scoreboard” option so that the entire map is shown whenever you hold the tab button.


  1. [1] "Official Final Fantasy website". Retrieved July 26, 2024

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