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Huskyboost: What is Huskyboost?

Huskyboost is an online boosting service where customers purchase packages to boost their accounts by letting professional players play on it. Huskyboost has a huge selection of games for which it provides service, including Apex Legends, Grand Theft Auto Online, and World of Warcraft. The website was founded in 2015 and has consistently kept growing its customer base since then.

Despite the website being almost a decade old, it hasn’t gotten into any major controversies, but its user base is also relatively low when compared to competitive boosting websites that have been around for a fraction of the time Huskyboost has.

Founding History

The exact month Huskyboost was found is hard to determine since there’s no mention of it anywhere, but the disclaimer near the bottom of the website reveals that it’s been around since 2015. The CEO of the service is only referred to in the customer service part [1] of the website, where people can contact them through his email. Many employees of Huskyboost aren’t available on LinkedIn either, except Strahinja Obrenovic from Belgrade, Serbia, a project manager of the website [2].

The service is on numerous social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and Skype. The latter three are primarily used for communication between the boosters and the customers, whereas the former three are just for advertisement. The Twitter and Facebook accounts were both made in 2017, but the Twitter account has been abandoned since early 2022, whereas the Facebook one is posting updates and news regularly.

Despite being one of the older boosting services on the internet, it still has less traffic compared to its peers. According to similarweb [3], Huskyboost has a global ranking of around 300,000 as of May 2024, which has increased from the previous month.

Offered Services

As we mentioned earlier, the website provides boosting services by connecting customers who want to get their accounts boosted with professional players who are willing to boost them. While Huskyboost doesn’t give the same guarantee for their boosters as most other websites do, it claims to have high-level players.

The website offers multiple options for potential customers, such as streaming it to the customer, mentoring them, or telling the booster what preferences of characters or legends to use. 

The exact service provided naturally changes depending on the type of game. For example, in games like Apex Legends or Valorant, the boosters rank up the customer’s competitive rank, whereas, in games like Grand Theft Auto Online and World of Warcraft, they collect a certain amount of items or in-game currency.

User Reviews

Trustpilot [4], a review aggregator, gives Huskyboosting an impressive rating of 4.7 stars out of 5, with over 4000 reviews. Another review aggregator,, gives it a 4.9 out of 5 with over 1000 reviews.

Some players on social media websites recommend the service to others [5]. However, it’s unknown if this is thanks to Huskyboost’s services or if the website paid specific players to advertise itself to other players.


  1. [1] "Huskyboost customer contract". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  2. [2] "Huskyboost Project Manager LinkedIn". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  3. [3] "Huskyboost Simlarweb". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  4. [4] "Huskyboost Trustpilot". Retrieved May 17, 2024
  5. [5] "Huskyboost advertising Reddit comment". Retrieved May 17, 2024

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