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IIR: What is IIR in Path of Exile 2?

IIR (Increased Item Rarity) is a modifier in Path of Exile 2 that increases the likelihood of finding higher-rarity items, such as Magic, Rare, and Unique gear. Unlike IIQ, which increases the total number of drops, IIR only affects item rarity, making it essential for Magic Find (MF) builds[1].

How Does IIR Work?

When an enemy is defeated, the game determines the rarity of each item that drops. A higher IIR percentage increases the probability that those items will be Magic, Rare, or Unique instead of Normal (white) items. However, IIR does not increase the total number of items, only their quality.

For example, if an enemy is set to drop one item, a player with high IIR has a greater chance of that item being Rare or Unique rather than Magic or Normal. This makes IIR highly valuable for players farming bosses and rare enemies where higher-quality loot is prioritized over quantity.

Where Can You Find IIR?

Unlike IIQ, which has been removed from most player-affecting sources, IIR is still widely available. Players can obtain IIR bonuses through:

Is IIR Still Relevant in Path of Exile 2?

Yes, IIR remains a core mechanic for farming high-value drops like Unique items[2]. Since IIQ has been largely removed, Magic Find builds now focus on IIR to maximize the quality of their loot rather than quantity.

Many boss farming strategies rely on IIR stacking to increase the odds of getting valuable gear and currency, making it a key factor in loot optimization. For players looking to improve their item drops without relying on sheer volume, IIR is still essential in Path of Exile 2.



  1. [1] "Magic Find Builds". Retrieved February 06, 2025
  2. [2] "Unique Items". Retrieved February 06, 2025

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