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Orb of Annulment: What is the Orb of Annulment in POE 2 used for?

An Orb of Annulment in Path of Exile 2 [1] is a rare crafting currency players can trade or use. The orb removes one random modifier from a magic or rare item, making it an essential tool to make precise adjustments. Players use the Orb of Annulment to remove unwanted modifiers from an item while keeping the ones they want. However, the randomness of the orb can be dangerous since it might accidentally remove the desirable modifier.

The Orb of Annulment has a big role in the game’s crafting system and economy due to its rarity and usefulness. Players who want to create a specific build try to get their hands on the item. Gamers can obtain Orbs of Annulment drops anywhere, although the best way to get them in-game is by creating them with recipes. However, this may take a while for players, which is why most opt to purchase them from the Eloking Path of Exile 2 marketplace.

Is the Orb of Annulment worth it in Path of Exile 2? 

Players use Orbs of Annulment only to create builds with a specific theme since these orbs let them remove unwanted affixes. Since Orbs of Annulment are rare, they aren’t used that much, and those who use them must only do it wisely.

Players with perfect builds can also take advantage of an Orb of Annulment by trading it with others. Since the orb is extremely valuable, they can trade it off with others who need it to get better items and improve their character.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 05, 2024

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