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Vaal Orbs: Why are Vaal Orbs in POE 2 considered dangerous to use?

A Vaal Orb in Path of Exile 2 [1]is a currency item that players can use to corrupt an item, which can cause unpredictable results. A Vaal Orb can enhance the item with a new modifier, re-roll its current affixes, or even destroy the item. Items affected by a Vaal Orb get corrupted, making it impossible to be modified again through other methods like Divine Orbs or Chaos Orbs.

Players can get Vaal Orbs by monster drops, chests, destructible containers, and Arcanist’s Strongboxes. Another excellent way to get them is from the Eloking Path of Exile 2 marketplace. As mentioned earlier, the effects of corruption are randomized, meaning players are gambling with the outcome. Sometimes, the item may gain beneficial modifiers like new affixes or increased stats. Items can get downgraded and be made almost unusable. 

What things are worth using the Vaal Orb on?

Most players use their Vaal Orbs on things that they deem expendable. So they don’t use it on things like chests since it has higher stakes, but instead on things like Jewels and Gems, something the person has a lot of. If a person uses a Vaal Orb on something expendable, they’ll either worsen the item and not lose a lot or increase the item’s worth and make it useful.

If the player is wealthy and has a budget, they can buy numerous copies of an item they want to corrupt and use all of their Vaal Orbs. It’s a gamble where the person might lose everything or get something worth the risk.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 05, 2024

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