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Vaal Skill: What are Vaal Skills in Path of Exile 2?

Vaal Skills in Path of Exile 2 [1] are powerful, corrupted versions of regular abilities. Unlike normal skills, they require souls from slain enemies to activate and unleash devastating effects when used. Thanks to this, while they’re stronger than regular abilities, they also require more grinding than usual.

Each Vaal Skill is an enhanced version of a normal skill, often with massive area damage, increased duration, or special mechanics. For example, Vaal Fireball fires a huge spread of explosive projectiles instead of just one.

Vaal Skills must be charged with killing enemies before they can be used. This makes them situational but incredibly powerful in the right moments, such as boss fights or clearing large enemy packs.

Some builds revolve around Vaal Skills, using multiple sources of soul generation to trigger them as often as possible. Certain items and passive skills help speed up the process, making these skills more reliable.

Since Vaal Skills are tied to corruption, they cannot be modified like normal gems. However, their power makes them a favorite for players who want strong burst abilities in critical moments. With that being said, those who don't want to make risky plays are better off using regular abilities.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved February 05, 2025

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