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Vanilla: What does it mean to play the vanilla version of a game?

In gaming, “vanilla” means to play a game in its base version devoid of any mods, changes, or third-party software. This term is usually used for a game like Minecraft [1]or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, where using mods to change the experience is extremely common. This term is often used in contrast with "modded" versions or expansions that add new features, content, or tweaks.

Vanilla versions are typically simpler, reflecting the core mechanics and design choices intended by the developers. On the other hand, when it comes to games that have been around for a while, like World of Warcraft [2], the vanilla version usually evokes a sense of nostalgia from those who were there when it initially came out.

The appeal of vanilla games lies in their authenticity. After all, they ensure players can experience the core and bare experience the developer intended players to have. Vanilla versions allow players to experience a game as it was before patches, updates, or community modifications were applied.


  1. [1] "The official Minecraft website". Retrieved November 05, 2024
  2. [2] "Official World of Warcraft website". Retrieved November 05, 2024

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