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ASU: What is an ASU in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, an ASU, or Art and Sustainability Update, refers to a visual and aesthetic overhaul for a champion. Unlike a full VGU, which changes both a champion’s appearance and abilities, an ASU focuses solely on modernizing the champion’s visuals, animations, voiceovers, and models without altering their core gameplay mechanics.

Why Are ASUs Necessary?

ASUs are designed to bring older champions up to modern standards. League of Legends has been evolving for over a decade, and some champions from earlier years now look outdated compared to newer releases. ASUs ensure that these champions feel cohesive within the current game environment.

For example:

How Does an ASU Differ from a VGU?

An ASU focuses purely on visual and thematic updates including all champion skins, ensuring the champion looks polished and modern. Their gameplay remains untouched. In contrast, a VGU, such as those for Mordekaiser[1] or Udyr[2], includes both visual and gameplay changes to completely redefine the champion’s identity.

Which Champions Have Received ASUs?

Some notable champions that have received ASUs include:


An ASU in League of Legends ensures that older champions stay relevant by modernizing their visuals without altering their gameplay. These updates make the game feel more cohesive and immersive while preserving the unique identity of each champion.


  1. [1] "Mordekaiser". Retrieved December 06, 2024
  2. [2] "Udyr". Retrieved December 06, 2024


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