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VGU: What is a VGU in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, a VGU, or Visual and Gameplay Update, is a comprehensive overhaul of a champion. Unlike an ASU, which focuses on visuals alone, a VGU redefines both the champion’s appearance and gameplay mechanics. The goal is to modernize older champions while maintaining their core identity and making them more relevant in today’s meta.

Why Are VGUs Important?

VGUs are necessary to keep the game’s roster balanced and engaging. Some champions, especially older ones, may feel outdated compared to modern releases. A VGU addresses these concerns by updating the following:

For example, Aurelion Sol[1]’s VGU transformed him from a niche champion with difficult mechanics into a more intuitive and powerful cosmic dragon, emphasizing his thematic identity through impactful gameplay changes.

Which Champions Have Received VGUs?

Some champions that have undergone successful VGUs include:

How Does a VGU Impact League of Legends?

VGUs bring forgotten or underwhelming champions back into relevance. They enhance the overall player experience by ensuring the champion feels satisfying to play while fitting into the game’s current design philosophy.


A VGU in League of Legends is a transformative process that breathes new life into outdated champions, making them more competitive, visually appealing, and thematically aligned. These updates are essential for maintaining the game’s dynamic roster.


  1. [1] "Aurelion Sol". Retrieved December 06, 2024

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