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Attack Move: What is Attack Move in LoL?

Attack Move. often called A-move or A-click, is a handy key bind in League of Legends [1]that simplifies targeting in combat. Instead of manually clicking on enemies to attack, players can use Attack Move to instruct their champion to automatically attack the nearest target within a certain range.

Mastering the Attack Move is not just a plus but a necessity in higher ELO’s where kiting becomes key to some champions’ survival. It not only allows players to attack targets while moving around effortlessly but also reduces the need for precisely clicking on top of your targets. 

How to Use Attack Move Effectively?

Following are a few pointers to help you not only learn how to do the Attack Move but also learn to do it effectively:

How to Set Key Bind for Attack Move?

Customizing key bindings can make Attack Move more accessible during gameplay. To set a key bind for Attack Move, navigate to the game settings menu and find the “Key Bindings” section. Look for the option related to Attack Move (often labeled “Player Attack Move Click” or similar) and assign it to your preferred key or mouse button. Experiment with different configurations to find what works best for you.

In all its essence, Attack Move is a simple yet powerful tool in LoL that can improve your combat effectiveness. By understanding its mechanics and practicing its use, you can enhance your ability to engage in battles, kite enemies, and ultimately secure victory on the Rift.


  1. [1] "Official League of Legends homepage". Retrieved August 06, 2024

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