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Attack Speed: What is Attack Speed in LoL?

In League of Legends (LoL), attack speed refers to the rate at which a champion can perform basic attacks. It is a crucial statistic that directly impacts a champion's ability to deal sustained damage in fights and clear minions or jungle camps efficiently.

Attack speed is represented as a percentage increase over a champion's base attack speed. A higher attack speed means a champion can attack more frequently, thereby increasing their overall damage output. Attack speed can be increased through various means, including items, runes, champion abilities, and buffs.

Factors Influencing Attack Speed

Several factors affect a champion's attack speed:

The Importance of Attack Speed

Attack speed plays a crucial role in LoL for several reasons:

In conclusion, attack speed is a fundamental statistic in League of Legends that directly impacts a champion's damage output, farming efficiency, and dueling potential. Understanding how to optimize attack speed through items, runes, and champion abilities is essential for mastering the game's diverse roster of champions and playstyles.

What's next?

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