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Build: What is a build in MOBA games like Dota 2 and LoL?


Builds are items, runes, abilities, or any other factor that could affect the stats of a champion, all carefully matched together after putting into consideration the effects, boosts, and what sort of enemy they would prove most useful against.

For example, let's take a League of Legends build. The runes someone chooses to go with, the summoner spells they pick, the order in which they unlock their champion's abilities, and, maybe more importantly, what items they build and in what order will all equal their build.
Every champion in League of Legends is different, similar to how every hero in Dota 2 is different. However, one thing all heroes and champions have in common is that they have the ability to change their item picks, ability unlock orders, and more to ensure they're able to face any opposition they might come against.

How or where to find the right build?

Players having trouble finding builds that work for them can go to sites like probuildstats and mobafire to check out the builds of professionals. Alternatively, you could hire a professional coach for either Dota 2 or LoL from so they could help find the best build for you according to your specific playstyle. If you don't know how coaching works, then here's everything you need to know about coaching.

What are some key factors to consider when creating a build for a champion in League of Legends?

When creating a build for a champion in League of Legends, there are several key factors that players should consider. These factors may include:

Overall, there are many different factors to consider when creating a build for a champion in League of Legends. By taking these factors into account, players can create effective builds that suit their playstyle and help their team achieve victory.

Are builds in Dota 2 more complex than in League of Legends?

The builds in Dota 2 and League of Legends are similar in many ways, but there are also some key differences between the two games. In general, the builds in Dota 2 are considered to be more complex and versatile than the builds in League of Legends.

One reason for this is that Dota 2 has a larger pool of items, abilities, and skills for players to choose from. This allows players to create a wider range of builds for their champions, and to combine different items, abilities, and skills in unique and creative ways. Additionally, Dota 2 has a more complex and varied meta, with a wider range of strategies and team compositions, which can make it more challenging for players to create effective builds.

Another reason why the builds in Dota 2 are considered to be more complex is that the game itself is more complex and challenging than League of Legends. Dota 2 is known for its high level of skill and mechanical complexity, which can make it more difficult for players to master the game and create effective builds. In contrast, League of Legends is generally considered to be more accessible and easier to learn, which can make the builds in the game less complex and challenging.

Overall, while the builds in Dota 2 and League of Legends are similar in many ways, the builds in Dota 2 are generally considered to be more complex and challenging than the builds in League of Legends. This is due to the larger pool of items, abilities, and skills available in Dota 2, as well as the game's higher level of skill and mechanical complexity.

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