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Bait: What is Baiting in LoL?

What is Baiting in LoL?

In League of Legends, baiting is a tactic used to lure opponents into making a mistake or engaging in a disadvantageous fight. It involves intentionally portraying oneself or a teammate as vulnerable or tempting, in order to entice the opposing team into a trap or disadvantageous position.

How is Baiting Executed?

Baiting can take various forms, depending on the situation and the champions involved. It might involve intentionally overextending in a lane, pretending to retreat with low health, or leveraging a lack of vision control to lure enemies into an ambush.

The Importance of Baiting

Baiting is not merely a deceptive tactic; it's a strategic maneuver that can turn the tide of a match. By baiting opponents, especially assassins into unfavorable situations, players can secure kills, objectives, or map control, giving their team a significant advantage.

Effective Baiting Strategies

Common Mistakes in Baiting

While baiting can be a potent tool, it's not without its risks. Common pitfalls include overcommitting to the bait, lacking coordination with teammates, and falling for counter-baits. Overcommitting can lead to unnecessary deaths, poor coordination may result in missed opportunities, and falling for enemy counter-baits can turn the tables against the baiting team. 

These errors highlight the importance of careful execution and strategic awareness when employing baiting tactics in League of Legends.


League of Legends isn't just about reflexes - it's about mind games. Mastering the art of baiting is your key to outsmarting those overeager enemies.  Think of it as a cunning angler's lure - a perfectly timed retreat or a feigned vulnerability can reel them in for a devastating surprise.  So, next time you're on the Rift, unleash your inner trickster and turn the tide of battle with a well-placed bait.


What's next?

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