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Baron: Who is the Baron in League of Legends?

The Baron is a powerful neutral monster that resides in the upper river area of the Summoner's Rift map. Defeating Baron Nashor grants substantial benefits to the team that kills it. Baron Nashor typically becomes a significant objective for teams during the mid to late game, and securing it can provide a significant advantage.

Here are the key details about Baron Nashor:

Location: Baron Nashor is located in the Baron pit, which is situated in the upper river between the top and mid lanes on Summoner's Rift.

Spawning Time: Baron Nashor spawns at the 20-minute mark in the game.

Rewards: Killing Baron Nashor provides a team-wide buff called the "Hand of Baron." This buff grants bonus attack damage, ability power, and empowered recall, which significantly speeds up the recall time for champions. Additionally, nearby minions gain bonus attack damage and ability power, making them much stronger. This buff can be crucial for pushing lanes, sieging enemy turrets, and securing objectives.

Baron Season 14 Changes

The Baron went through several changes in Season 14, giving the monster three forms instead of the usual one. Those forms are Territorial Baron, Hunting Baron, and All-Seeing Baron. Each form alters the terrain around the Baron pit on the top side of the map and introduces unique challenges for teams attempting to secure the objective.

Territorial Baron

This form of Baron creates a wall in front of the pit and utilizes new hands to pull champions towards it. The altered terrain and pulling mechanic add an additional layer of complexity to engagements around the Baron pit when it takes on the Territorial form.

Hunting Baron

In this form, Baron leaves the pit unchanged, but it unleashes a powerful lightning attack from above that damages all nearby enemies. The Hunting Baron variant retains the traditional Baron pit layout but introduces a new threat with its lightning attacks.

All-Seeing Baron

The All-Seeing Baron closes off the front of the pit and opens up both sides, creating a tunnel. Additionally, it opens a Void Rift that generates a damage-over-time zone within the tunnel pit. This form introduces strategic considerations for teams as they navigate the altered terrain and deal with the added environmental challenge posed by the Void Rift.

Despite these changes, the Baron buff itself remains consistent. Teams still receive the standard Hand of Baron buff when any of the Baron variants are defeated. This buff provides bonus attack damage, bonus ability power, an empowered recall, and an aura that empowers minions.

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