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League of Legends: All New Baron Types and Changes

League of Legends: All New Baron Types and Changes

With the coming of Season 14, even our good old Baron is getting some love from Riot. Being the biggest objective on the map, taking down Baron can turn the tides of the game in your favor. This void-juiced beast has remained unchanged for the past 9 years. But now Riot has revealed the biggest VGU and gameplay update to the Nashor.

Previously, Baron existed in only one predictable form. But that is all about to change with the introduction of not two but three different Baron types along with variations in Baron attacks. In addition, different Baron types will also incur different changes to Baron Pit terrain. 

So without further ado, let's dive deeper into all the changes and how they will affect the map. the best way to get used to all of the new changes would be by hiring a professional-level LoL coach from ElokingFortunately, you can use code "BoostToday" for an awesome 20% off all Eloking services.

All New Baron Types

A mythical sea creature emerging from a mystical purple lake

The new season is revolutionizing the impact of Barons on the Rift. With not one but three new baron forms that will spawn randomly after the 20 minutes have elapsed. Each baron type is surrounded by unique terrain settings. While most baron attacks are shared within each type, every type also has one unique ability.

The All-Seeing Baron

With an extra eye on top, the All-Seeing Baron is quite vigilant of its surroundings. It paves two passages on either side of the Baron creating a tunnel. Throughout the tunnel, it opens void rifts that deal magic damage over time to the champion standing in them.  

The Hunting Baron

The Hunting Baron can be recognized with a massive horn on its head. The terrain is left untouched by this Baron type. This Baron drops void lightning strikes upon champions for its unique ability. 

The Territorial Baron

The Territorial Baron erects an extra wall in front of it splitting the baron pit entrance into two. While there are no distinguishable features on its head, the Territorial Baron is known for its multiple hands that pull champions towards it. 

Shared Buffs

The buff is the same for all Baron types. "Resistance Skin" makes Baron immune to debuffs along with it gaining maximum health every minute. On the other hand, "Void Corruption" applies corrosion stacks on the champions surrounding the Baron (up to max 100 stacks). The corrosion lowers your magic resist and armor, resulting in the baron dealing bonus damage.

After the Baron spawns at 20 minutes, the red and blue buffs take upon a void form that makes them tougher to kill. But killing them will grant your entire team the buff. Furthermore, the scuttles turn into void form as well, granting vision of a wide radius around them upon killing. This vision not only reveals enemy champions and traps but also reduces stealth wards to one hit point. 

Pre-Baron Spawn Changes

Mysterious creatures with pink accents in a dark cave

Before the Baron spawns, the Baron pit will spawn rift heralds like before and host Void Grubs. These Grubs first spawn at the 5-minute mark and later at 9-minute if slain before. Once attacked, these grubs will spawn little void mites to chunk you down. Each Void Grub kill grants champions the ability to deal true damage burn on the towers, even spawning mites with all 6 Grub kills.

You can now ride the Rift Heralds like carts from Nexus Blitz but only one person max. Ramming the heralds into turrets will also spawn numerous Void Mites to help you push down the lanes. 

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When will Baron Changes be Released?

Mystical underwater scene with purple creatures

These exciting changes are currently live in PBE and will become part of League of Legends officially in the new season on January 9. Changes this massive are bound to influence a huge shift in meta and game strategies. 

When the new season does come out, how about starting it off strong by having some professional-level players play your placement matches for youDon't tell anyone, but you can use code "BoostToday" too to get 20% off all of our services.

What’s next?

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