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Is Pokimane boosted in Valorant
Jack Willa
26 Apr 2024
Posted On
There are many streamers, both on Youtube and on Twitch, that are no doubt professional Valorant players, and everyone agrees with it. Shroud, ShahZaM, Tarik, Valkyrae, and so many more are prime examples of these types of streamers. However, one streamer sits at the top of the leaderboards of the streaming giant Twitch, which Valorant players have their doubts about.
Imane Anys ('Pokimane') is a Twitch streamer with 9.2 million followers there. She's also huge on other platforms, having over 6.6 million subscribers on Youtube and over 6 million followers on Instagram. However, it seems she, for some reason, is always under fire with allegations from who she calls ''her haters''.
One topic of debate is whether or not Pokimane boosted her rank in the first-person shooter that is Valorant. For those unaware, boosting is when you have a professional player win games for you. Using this method, you could quickly and easily reach a higher rank. Many people also claim that she doesn't actually have the skills to back up her rank and has only reached it because of the professional players she often finds herself queuing with.
What is Pokimane's rank in Valorant?
First and foremost, let us talk about Pokimane's rank in Valorant and whether it warrants the backlash and allegations. Well, her highest rank has been Immortal, which in itself is a huge deal. However, when you consider that this puts her in the top 0.5% of all Valorant players, maybe the backlash makes a little more sense.
Aside from her personal milestone, Pokimane had previously consistently been in Diamond rank and used to play ranked with not one but three different accounts for three acts. However, Pokimane herself has said that the people claiming she gets boosted do not know this because they don't watch her videos or streams and form their opinions on the basis of out-of-context clips.
Does Pokimane have the skill to back up her rank?
So now that we know what her highest rank has been, was she actually carried there? Well, the fact of the matter is that Pokimane has been playing Valorant since the beta launched, which means she more than has the experience needed.
In addition, she has shown her skills many times. For example, there was one instance where, when she was playing with another popular streamer by the name of xQc (along with other popular streamers), she ended up winning her team the round by pulling off an insane 1 vs 5 clutch ace.
Not only this, but she has often been seen playing either solo or duo when streaming her gameplay in real-time, where she has pulled off similar stunts more than once. Stunts that would require actual skill to pull off and not just luck.
However, on the other end of the spectrum, many people claim that while she does have skills, they aren't enough to be Immortal, only Diamond. Of course, there's a huge gap in skill between the two ranks. If you want to know more about ranks in Valorant, consider reading our guide on it.
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Why do people think Pokimane was boosted
The biggest reason so many people claim Pokimane boosted her account is that she was previously said to have boosted her League of Legends account as well, although that was never proven for sure. Additionally, many people seem to really dislike her, whether that be because of her fanbase or her past controversies. This dislikeness might cause them to view her feats in a biased way.
Finally, her friends, such as ShahZam and Hiko, who are considered to be extremely skilled players in the Valorant scene, have previously made new accounts to play with her, essentially boosting her. The general conscious is that if this could happen once, how many more times would something like this have happened?
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