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Overwatch 2: A few beginner tips for every character

Overwatch 2: A few beginner tips for every character

Overwatch 2 continues to attract a large number of newcomers thanks to its free-to-play nature. After all, since there’s no initial cost of playing the game, players can jump into it whenever they want and there’s no harm. However, the ever-expanding roster of playable characters can prove to be a little scary for some players.

Fortunately, we’re here to make things easier for beginner Overwatch 2 players. Today, we’re going through some basic tips for every single hero in the game that are sure to help kick-start your journey with that hero. All of these tips are taken from our team of professional players, so you can rest assured knowing they’re legit.

So, without further ado, here are a few beginner tips for every character in Overwatch 2. If you’re someone who prefers to get one on one training, you can always hire a professional Overwatch 2 booster from Eloking. Another pro tip is you can use the code “BoostToday” to get a 20% discount on your order.

What are a few beginner tips for every character in Overwatch 2?

Fantasy warrior reaching out at sunset

Overwatch 2 has a massive roster, with over 40 playable characters split between three roles. It can get overwhelming due to the sheer amount of heroes, so here are a few tips for each character to make things easier:


Futuristic robot warrior in an urban environment

D.Va is one of the best tanks against squishy opponents that give their enemies a tough time from afar. It’s a good idea to rush and kill characters like Pharah or Widowmaker.

Doomfist players should use their Seismic Slam to get behind enemies and then charge up a punch to force them toward their team for an easy kill.

Junker Queen:
If the player is near a ledge, they should use their Jagged Blade on an opponent, wait for them to come close, and then reactivate it. When done correctly, the enemy will fall, and the player will get a free kill.

The best part about Mauga is his passive ability, which lets him heal when dealing damage, so don’t be afraid to push into team fights because the passive will likely protect the player from dying.

Orisa’s spear can stagger and push opponents, so whenever the player sees someone using an ability or ultimate, they should activate their alternate fire.

Ramattra should always use his Ravenous Vortex ability against flying enemies like Pharah, Echo, and Mercy to prevent them from hovering away for an easy kill.

A great way to deal lots of damage as a Reinhardt is by combining his primary fire with his Fire Strike. For example, swing the hammer and use the Fire Strike right after it hits to deal extra damage.


Video game character with futuristic gun and visible tattoo

Roadhog’s alternate fire not only heals him but also reduces damage taken while he’s using it, so it’s a great way to mitigate damage and protect teammates.

An easy way to kill faster characters like Tracer and Genji is by using the Accretion ability since it will slow them down for a quick elimination.

Whenever the player uses Winston’s jump pack to attack enemies, they should try to hit a melee right before landing to give them extra damage.

Wrecking Ball:
A great thing about Wrecking Ball is that he can get a lot of momentum and be hard to hit when he’s latched onto something, so always use that ability and go around in circles inside objectives to contest for as long as possible.

Save Zarya’s barriers for DPS heroes like Tracer when they go toward enemy lines for free damage boosts.


Futuristic robot warrior under a moonlit sky

Instead of using the Coach Gun ability to deal damage, only use it for mobility and getting out of tough spots.

Bastion’s ultimate works perfectly alongside ultimates that force opponents to stay in a single location like Mauga’s or Zarya’s.

Keep Cassidy’s Flashbang ability ready for opponents that move quickly, such as Tracer or Echo, then move in for the kill.

Only use Echo’s Focusing Beam ability to finish off opponents, and never to damage them.

Genji’s most vital ability is his Swift Strike, which resets whenever someone he damages gets eliminated. Players should only use it when they’re sure they can get the kill and then use it again to get out of a tough spot.

Whenever a player is Hanzo, they should fight on high ground and use his Lunge ability to escape when an enemy comes too close.

Chaining Junkrat’s primary fire with his Concussion Mine can kill almost every hero in the game.

Use Mei’s Ice Wall to prevent enemy players from escaping to let the team get an easy kill.

Pharah is weak against hitscan enemies, so only use her when the enemy team has projectile heroes.


Futuristic armored character wielding a large sword in an urban environment

Use Reaper’s Shadow Step ability to flank the enemy team and focus on squishy characters, then use his Wraith Form to retreat.

While Sojourn’s primary fire may look and feel like a hitscan attack, it’s a projectile, so be wary when using it against opponents that are far away.

Soldier 76:
When fighting against Genji, don’t ever shoot Helix Rockets toward him because he can deflect it. Instead, shoot it on any surface next to him.

Make sure to hack health packs to prevent opponents from using them whenever they decide to retreat.

Use Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets to kill passing opponents in maps with chokepoints.


Robot character in a futuristic city

Torbjorn’s turrets are weak against opponents with long-range weapons like Pharah or Widowmaker since they cannot detect far-away enemies, so deploy them behind cover.

Tracer’s Pulse Bomb is one of the fastest-charging ultimates in the game, so don’t use it sparingly since it will recharge quickly.

Venture’s borrow ability is excellent for retreating, so only use it whenever the enemy team is too aggressive.

Instead of putting a Venom Mine around flank routes, set it up next to wherever the player is camping so that anyone pushing starts taking damage.


Futuristic female warrior with mechanical wings in a sci-fi setting

Both of Ana’s abilities are perfect for stopping any flankers that may try to attack her. Use a sleep dart on an enemy, throw a Biotic Grenade, and shoot the enemy in succession for an easy kill.

Baptiste’s Immortality Shield is the perfect support tool to use against ultimates that have the potential to one shot, so save it instead of using it too much.

Always play aggressively as Brigitte since her passive heals teammates whenever she deals damage.

Place Illari’s Healing Pylon in areas accessible to the entire team while keeping it out of the opponent’s sight.

Juno has incredible mobility thanks to her Glide Boost and double jump, so use them to reach teammates faster while avoiding opponents.


Animated female character with green hair wearing a fox mask in a conversation

Save Protection Suzus for teammates affected by status effects, such as Anti-Heal, to quickly bring them back into the fight.

Lifeweaver’s main job is pulling teammates back whenever they’re about to die, so save his Life Grip until the last second.

Lucio has one of the best passives in the game. Players can use his Wall Ride ability to reach teammates faster and save themselves if they fall off the map.

One of the best ways to avoid enemies as Mercy is by dashing towards a teammate and pressing the crouch button because it will make her go upwards.

When Moira has low HP, she can use her Heal Orb on the ground to heal herself.

Zenyatta’s melee can push back enemies, so if any flanker tries coming in close, use the Orb of Discord and kick them away.

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Which heroes are the easiest to play in Overwatch 2?

The easiest hero for you depends on your playstyle. However, as a rule of thumb, heroes like Mercy, Moira, D.Va, and Lucio are fairly easy to play since they require minimum movement and button inputs or aim.

How many heroes are in Overwatch 2? 

At the time of writing, Overwatch 2 has a grand total of 41 heroes, all playable for free as soon as someone downloads the game. However, this number will likely increase as new heroes are constantly coming to the game with free updates.

What’s next?

Ready to level up your gameplay and climb the ranks in Overwatch 2? Purchase our top-notch Eloking Overwatch 2 Boost now and dominate the competition like never before! Purchase Overwatch 2 Boost and start playing at the rank you deserve!

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