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How to Slow Roll in Teamfight Tactics

How to Slow Roll in Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics, as the name implies, demands heavy use of strategic thinking and tactic usage. While League of Legends has a set number of unique tricks, tactics, and jargon players utilize to communicate, the same can be said for Teamfight Tactics, and one of the many tactics is called slow rolling.

Today, we’re about to go through everything you need to know about slow rolling in Teamfight Tactics. This includes summarizing what slow rolling is in Teamfight Tactics and some tips, tricks, and strategies you can utilize to ensure your slow rolling is as efficient as possible.

So, without further ado, here’s how you can slow roll in Teamfight Tactics.

What is slow rolling in Teamfight Tactics?

Intense online game match with fantasy characters fighting on a tropical island

Slow rolling in Teamfight Tactics refers to a strategy where a player focuses on rerolling for a key unit while maintaining a healthy economy. After all, hanging on to your gold and getting your desired unit full of 3-star champions simultaneously sounds sweet. With slow rolling, it’s all about playing the long game, as having a better economy towards the middle could give you an insane advantage over opponents who have already spent their gold on leveling up. 

If done right, slow rolling helps ensure that you have a strong roster of upgraded units, while clinging on to those precious resources so that you can adapt to the changing dynamics of the game. Think of it like saving up for a rainy day, it's like playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers. You’ll always be a few steps ahead in the game through slow rolling, and when you finally unleash your maxed-out squad, it's game over for the competition.  

How to slow roll in Teamfight Tactics

Fantasy game board with characters positioned for battle

Now that you know what slow rolling is in Teamfight Tactics we’ll now highlight key mechanics to keep in mind when slow rolling along with core directions for this tactic.

When to slow roll

The key to slow rolling is keeping your gold above a certain threshold, the most popular being 50 gold. Start saving up your gold early in the game, and aim to reach 50 gold by mid-game.  Typically, you want to slow roll for 1-cost and 2-cost champions, as these will be the easiest to upgrade to 3-star in the early game.

Remember, slow rolling works best for compositions that rely on 3-star champions as their core units, allowing you to adjust your strategy based on the specific champions you upgrade. 

Economy management 

Strategic gameplay scene in a digital board game

A great strategy for building a strong economy is the losing streak strategy, which involves not overly investing in early champions, and conserving health while generating extra gold from losing streak bonuses. Only buy units that will help achieve your final composition, while consistently maintaining your threshold. 

Once you are in the mid-game, start rolling once you’ve reached 50 gold. In each turn, try rolling down to that threshold to find your preferred 1&2 cost unit. The key here is to roll only when necessary, that way you'll keep your bench full of units that you want to max out to 3 stars. 

Once you're in the late game, you'll be a lot closer to dying, and you'll need to hit those 3-stars to stabilize yourself. Upon reaching this stage, start rolling more aggressively. Make sure to keep things flexible at all times, as you may face a situation where you want a power spike and will need to level up to fit more units or chase the expensive 3-star units.

Key strategies for slow rolling

Strategic gameplay screenshot from Teamfight Tactics with various champions and game interface

Here are a few tactics that can further help. 

Try keeping duplicates of your needed champions on your bench for easier upgrades, flexibility, and economic efficiency. But make sure you're always mindful of bench space, that way you don't end up missing out on any crucial units.

You should also be on the lookout for other players who are competing for the same units as you, allowing you to adjust your plays accordingly. Try prioritizing items that’ll boost the strength of your 3-star units and be open to adapting to the units you manage to hit. 

Remember, slow rolling is like casting your line out there and waiting for the big catch. So, be patient and resist the urge to splurge your gold on unnecessary roles, as doing so otherwise will leave you high and dry. Sure, it takes time, but the payoff is worth it.

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Is slow rolling worth it?

Whether slow rolling is worth it entirely depends on the circumstances you find yourself in. You must first single out the unit or units you want to specifically roll for before deciding whether that unit can win you the game in the long run.

What’s next?

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