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Path of Exile 2: What is Spirit and how to increase it

Path of Exile 2: What is Spirit and how to increase it

Path of Exile 2 has so much content that some players may forget they’re playing the early access version. From so many missions to complete to multiple grindable currencies, players can easily sink over a hundred hours in the early access alone. However, old and new players may struggle to familiarize themselves with the many resources Path of Exile 2 has.

To be more specific, we want to focus today on the resource known as Spirit. This brand-new resource that didn’t exist in the first game is causing much annoyance, though it doesn’t have to. In addition to highlighting what Spirit is in Path of Exile 2, we also want to go through every method players can use to increase this resource.

So, without further ado, here’s everything to know about Spirit in Path of Exile 2 [1].

What is Spirit in Path of Exile 2?

A character standing in a rustic environment in the game Path of Exile.

Spirit is a new resource that Grinding Gear Games introduced in Path of Exile 2, and it plays an essential role in activating some abilities, specifically for summon-based builds like the Witch. It can power up summoned monsters, Metagems, and Buff Gems, and managing it is important to help with gameplay. Getting Spirit earlier in the game can be tough. Luckily, there are some ways players can farm Spirit.

There are three primary methods we want to highlight that players can use to farm Spirit in Path of Exile 2. These methods include defeating bosses in acts, using gear that increases Spirit, and using certain ascendancy classes and spirit nodes. Naturally, we’ll expand more on every method to ensure players can increase their Spirit quickly.

Method #1: Defeat Bosses in Acts

Gameplay screenshot of defeating the King in the Mists in a video game.

One of the primary ways a player can get more Spirit is by progressing through acts and defeating specific bosses. These bosses drop items that give players a permanent Spirit upgrade, increasing their resource pool. Specifically, defeating important bosses in acts will drop items that increase a player’s Spirit by a fixed amount.

These upgrades are permanent and support the player’s Spirit pool, but the number of bosses that can increase the resource is low so they won’t provide an infinite supply. However, defeating these bosses can increase the player’s Spirit by 130 by the end of the campaign, assuming they do Cruel acts as well.

Method #2: Use gear that increases Spirit

Another great way a player can increase Spirit is by equipping and crafting gear that boosts the resource. There are numerous gear types in Path of Exile 2 with passive Spirit bonuses.


Celebrant Sceptre with skill grants for skeletal warrior minion.

The most reliable way to increase Spirit is by using a Sceptre. Holding them passively grants a player +100 Spirit, making it one of the best options a player can use to boost their Spirit pool. However, there is a con to this. Users can hold two Sceptres, so they must use other powerful off-hand gear to benefit from the bigger Spirit pool.

Sun Amulets

These amulets give a small but useful boost to Spirit with around 10 to 15 Spirit increase. Even though it’s much less than the ones provided by Sceptres, it’s still valuable if the player wants to increase their Spirit as much as possible.

Magic and Rare Items

Some Magic and Rare items can roll with the Spirit affix. These items can add a percentage increase to the player’s maximum Spirit, so they should try to look for items with that modifier whenever they’re looting.

Method #3: Ascendancy Classes and Spirit Nodes

Some Ascendancy Classes give players ways to increase their Spirit through passive nodes. This option is more specialized since not all classes of Ascendancy choices will benefit from Spirit boosts.

Players need to carefully consider the build synergy for both of these Ascendancy options. Still, they can increase a lot of Spirit capacity, so it’s valuable for them if they want to focus on Spirit-intensive playstyles.

Infernalist (Witch)

A mystical witch using magic with glowing purple energy.

One of the best options a player can pick for a Spirit-focused build is the Infernalist Ascendancy for the Witch. The note the gamer needs to focus on getting is Bediat’s Will, which reserves 25% of their life but increases Maximum Spirit by 1 for every 25 maximum life. 

This trade-off can be risky since it reduces the person’s total health, but it can be mitigated if they increase their defense and recovery. Also, the Altered Flesh node helps players offset the damage they take by converting some types of damage into fire and chaos, which works great with a Spirit-focused build.

Invoker (Monk)

A mystical warrior practicing magic in a serene environment.

Monks should pick the Lead Me Through Grace… node since it gives them a different method to gain Spirit. This node provides 1 Spirit for every 6 Evasion and 15 Energy Shield on the player’s body armor. 

Although the Invoker Ascendancy has some defensive trade-offs, like reducing Evasion but increasing Physical Damage Reduction, it can be an impactful way to stack Spirit as the gamer makes it to the end game, especially if they focus on creating powerful armor that maximizes Evasion and Energy Shield.


Is learning about Spirit mandatory in Path of Exile 2?

Not really. As we mentioned before, Spirit is a type of resource that helps players use certain abilities. These abilities are usually summon-based, which means players who are controlling characters who don’t delve into summon-based abilities much will likely not have much use for this resource. Most players will likely benefit more from orb currencies like Chaos Orbs.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 19, 2024

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