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The best beginner classes in Path of Exile 2

The best beginner classes in Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 is an MMORPG with various classes and builds players can apply to their characters. However, even if Path of Exile 2 is in early access, various players who have never played games similar to Path of Exile are picking it up. This speaks volumes about the game’s popularity but also means various players may struggle to pinpoint the best beginner class for their character.

Today, we’re here to go through everything players need to know about starting off in Path of Exile 2. To be more specific, we want to help newcomers to the genre decide which class they should select for their characters as beginners. We’ll also go through all the classes available in Path of Exile 2’s early access to ensure players can determine which class is the best for them.

So, without further ado, here are the best beginner classes in Path of Exile 2. Regardless of the class you choose, you can expect to require multiple items and currencies. To avoid the grind, you can always check out the Eloking PoE 2 marketplace to get every currency you need safely and quickly.

List of every class in Path of Exile 2’s early access:

A group of fantasy adventure characters standing by a fire.

Before we go through the best beginner classes in Path of Exile 2 [1] we want to highlight every available class in the game. This way, those who recognize or prefer a specific class and its play style can go for that.


A fantasy archer character in an enchanted forest

The Ranger class is perfect for players who want to deal damage to enemies from a long distance. This class’s primary attribute is Dexterity, and players using that class can use numerous arrows with different profiles since it excels in ranged combat.

With Path of Exile 2’s newer control scheme, players will have a much better experience using the Ranger class since it allows them to move, aim, and shoot simultaneously now. Since Rangers can fight from a safe distance, it's an incredibly safe option for new players trying to understand the game’s mechanics.

To maximize the Ranger’s effectiveness, players must select abilities and Gems that increase the number of projectiles they can carry. Although the class is simple for beginners, it won’t be stagnant since Path of Exile 2 features numerous builds that people can build, ensuring that it is captivating for both players as they get better at the game and veterans alike.


An epic battle scene with a warrior hero.

Like the Ranger class, the Mercenary class specializes in long-range combat, but they use a crossbow instead of a traditional bow. Their primary attributes are Dexterity and Strength, making them excellent at dealing high burst damage with their ammo.

Since players using the Mercenary class have a crossbow, they need to manage when to reload and not to take unnecessary damage. Although reloading may seem a disadvantage since other classes don’t need to, it’s balanced because crossbows do incredible damage over a short area.

It’s fantastic for beginners who want to get used to reloading while seeing another perspective of ranged combat in Path of Exile 2.


A fierce warrior battles against dark creatures in a mystical setting.

The Warrior class is a perfect pick for players who prefer being resilient since its entire playstyle is strong and tough. Warriors are great at absorbing huge damage, making it amazing for those who want to stay alive for long. Since the Warrior is simple, beginners can try to learn Path of Exile’s numerous mechanics without getting overwhelmed.

Unlike other classes, Warriors can fight on the frontlines and equip passive skills to make them more resilient. Players can equip shields and offensive abilities to go against enemies without focusing too much on their position. 

As beginners get better at the game, they can change their character into whatever suits their playstyle. For example, players can make the Warrior into a more damage-heavy character by trading off defense for more offense. 


A magical mystic warrior dancer performing in a mystical environment

Players who value speed and positioning will enjoy the Monk class, whose main attributes are Intelligence and Dexterity. Instead of fighting opponents head-on, this class is for players who like poking them and retreating while exploiting their weaknesses.

The Monk class has rapid attacks and elemental effects to pressure enemies, and they can retreat if they start fighting back. While it may not be the easiest class, it’s good for those who want to learn the game quickly since the Monk’s playstyle forces people to learn how to play strategically.

Even though the Monk isn't good at defense, their mobility makes up for it. Players can learn how to approach enemies and fall back as they get better at the game, making it a great class for players who want to learn to move strategically.


A mysterious witch casting a spell with magical energy.

The Witch is arguably the easiest class a player can pick in Path of Exile 2. Their primary attribute is Intelligence, and they can summon minions to shield them or attack enemies. These minions increase the space between the player and opponents, so they don’t have to confront enemies.

The best part about summoning helpers is that it’s helpful for solo players who need assistance during difficult fights. After learning the game, players can change their build into something that caters to their playstyle. For example, the Witch can build offensive spells, allowing players to be more aggressive. The Witch’s versatility and impact against tough enemies make it a great option for beginners.

Since the Witch has a lot of spells and build options, players can experiment with whatever they like without feeling overwhelmed. 


Does your class matter in Path of Exile 2?

Yes. Your class in Path of Exile 2 determines how your overall playing style with that character will be. However, just choosing the general class isn’t enough, as even under the umbrella of every class there lay various types of builds that are unique from each other.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 13, 2024

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