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Can you play CSGO in 2025?
Jack Willa
04 Feb 2025
Posted On
Counter-Strike 2 was released in 2023 and replaced the long-standing Counter-Strike Global Offensive. While reception for CS2 is mixed, some players might feel the need to go back and play the old Counter-Strike, whether to relive the old days or to see how it feels to play without cheaters.
Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about playing CS:GO in 2025. This includes quickly going through what even happened to CSGO and giving details about whether you can play CSGO in 2025. We’ll also give information for how you can play the game on custom servers.
So, without further ado, here’s whether you can play CSGO in 2025.
What happened to CSGO?
On September 27, 2023, Valve upgraded Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and changed it into Counter-Strike 2, introducing numerous visual upgrades and a brand-new engine. The switch from Source to Source 2 engine had years of leaks and hype by fans, and they finally got their wish when Valve's popular FPS title rebranded to CS2.
The introduction of CS2 brought a fresh color palette, a new tick rate system, a smoke revamp, and others. Despite these changes, a part of the player base still prefers the original release for different reasons, like the performance hit or the older gameplay mechanics.
Unfortunately, Valve removed CSGO from the Steam store, so the players who want to play the game and don’t know how to access it won’t be able to do it. It's still possible to play CSGO, but it's hidden behind numerous settings and menus.
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How to play CSGO after the release of CS2?
Counter-Strike 2 is the only game players can download through Steam, but those who want to play CSGO must go through multiple steps. Here’s what to do to play CS2:
Go to the Steam store
Download Counter-Strike 2
After downloading Counter-Strike 2, go to the Steam library
Right-click on Counter-Strike 2 and select the Properties option
Go to the Betas tab on the left side of the screen
Click on the Beta Participation dropdown menu and choose csgo_legacy - Legacy Version of CS:GO
The game will update and download CSGO
The next time the player opens CS2, they will get a prompt to choose between CS2 and CSGO in a pop-up menu.
Although fans will be able to launch the game, they can only play the game on LAN servers with others on the same version of the title or with bots.
How to play on custom servers
To play on custom servers, interested players have to follow these extra steps:
After downloading CSGO, look for this path: SteamLibrarysteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgo in Windows Explorer
Open the steam.inf file and edit the ClientVersion field to 2000258
Doing this will allow people to play on custom servers on the legacy version of CSGO. It’s possible to find 5v5 matches in these custom servers through the popflash service, but they aren’t as populated as the official matchmaking servers for CS2.
It’s worth noting that this is an external product that Valve has no association with, so players playing on these servers should only do it at their own risk.
What’s next?
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