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League of Legends: New Attack Speed and True Damage Changes

League of Legends: New Attack Speed and True Damage Changes

Riot Games has introduced two major gameplay changes in an upcoming League of Legends patch—an increase to the attack speed cap and a significant buff to true damage interactions. These updates will impact many champions, making some of them even stronger while opening up new build possibilities.

With the attack speed cap increasing from 2.5 to 3, champions that rely on auto-attacks will now benefit from a much higher attack speed without needing special runes like the old Lethal Tempo. At the same time, true damage sources will now be affected by damage amplification effects, making champions like Vayne, Darius, and true-damage-based builds even more powerful.

Attack Speed Cap Increased

The most surprising change in this patch is the increase of the attack speed cap from 2.5 to 3, which means champions can now build even more attack speed without worrying about hitting the limit too early. Previously, players would waste excess attack speed from items and abilities in the late game, but now, that extra attack speed will be fully utilized.

This is a huge buff for champions like Jinx, who will now shred through towers and enemies even faster. Master Yi will also see massive improvements, especially when stacking Guinsoo’s Rageblade[1], allowing him to melt jungle monsters and objectives much quicker.

Champions like Twitch will also benefit greatly, as his ambush and Spray and Pray combo will become even more devastating. This change comes out of nowhere, but it will be interesting to see which champions gain the most from it and whether new hyper-attack speed builds will emerge.

True Damage Buffed

Riot has also introduced an unexpected true damage buff by allowing all sources of true damage to now be affected by damage amplification effects. This is a game-changing adjustment, as previously, true damage was not increased by percentage-based buffs like Press the Attack.

For example, Vayne’s W (Silver Bolts) and Ignite will now deal even more damage when boosted by Press the Attack, which grants up to an 8% damage increase at max level. This buff is even more noticeable in late-game scenarios with full builds, where stacking damage amplification will make true damage even more deadly.

Another champion benefiting from this change is Darius, whose ult will now deal more true damage when enhanced by Press the Attack. This means his execution potential will be even higher, making him an even greater threat in extended fights.

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New True Damage Builds?

With this change, players may start experimenting with new builds focusing on maximizing true damage output. The introduction of Axiom Arcanist[2], which now buffs ultimate true damage, could lead to some unique strategies that take advantage of this new system.

However, Riot has made some exceptions—jungle pet damage and Smite true damage will remain unaffected, preventing jungle objectives from being influenced by these buffs. This keeps jungle balance intact while still allowing lane champions to explore new build paths.

Related: Everything about Atakhan in League of Legends.

This League of Legends patch brings massive changes to how attack speed and true damage function in the game. Champions that thrive on high attack speed will now reach even faster attack speeds, and true damage champions will deal even more damage when paired with the right amplification effects.



  1. [1] "Guinsoo's Rageblade". Retrieved February 04, 2025
  2. [2] "Axiom Arcanist". Retrieved February 04, 2025

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