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True Damage: What is True Damage in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, True Damage is a type of damage that ignores all other forms of damage reduction and mitigations to deal pure damage directly to someone. True Damage is usually associated with specific champion abilities, item effects, runes, and buffs. Unlike other forms of damage, True Damage is strong in the early and late phases of the game, so people often pick those champions for their offensive capabilities.

Some examples of champions that deal with True Damage with their abilities include Amumu, Cho’Gath, Fiora, Garen, K’Sante, and Olaf. Examples of items with True Damage are Death’s Dance, Elixir of Sorcery, and Redemption. Although it may seem overpowered, True Damage can be blocked using specific types of shields and spells.

How to counter True Damage in League of Legends?

There are three ways to counter champions with True Damage in League of Legends. The first way is to try to out-heal the person dealing damage or building health items so that the champion has high maximum health. Doing so will allow players to rethink their strategies or retreat when they fight against their foes.

The second way is to use shields. Champions like Lulu [1]or Janna have abilities that let them shield themselves or their allies, which can temporarily give protection against True Damage.

Finally, it’s a good idea to fight back when dealing with someone doing a lot of True Damage. Using abilities that deal burst damage or having teammates alongside to attack the enemy is a surefire way to defeat them or make them retreat. Champions like Zed [2] are great when it comes to giving good burst damage to enemies.


  1. [1] "Official Lulu champion page". Retrieved July 26, 2024
  2. [2] "LoL Wiki Zed page". Retrieved July 26, 2024

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