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League of Legends: Top 10 Support champions for Patch 14.18

League of Legends: Top 10 Support champions for Patch 14.18

League of Legends continues to get new updates and patches that ensure the game remains fresh for players. However, these patches also usually include tweaks to certain champions, because of which the meta is ever-changing. A Champion you used to main two months ago might not longer be part of the meta now.

To ensure players are always playing as the best Champions possible, we’re here with our list of the best Support Champions to play in League of Legends patch 14.18. In addition to the overall abilities and team compositions the Champions have and can fit in, we’re also here with every Champion’s strengths and weaknesses to ensure players know what they’re in for.

So, without further ado, here are the best League of Legends Support Champions to play as in Patch 14.18. If you don’t know how to play any of the Champions we’ve mentioned on this list then you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a 20% discount in the process.


Fantasy warrior woman with spear on a cherry blossom tree

Abilities and Team Composition: Nami is a very versatile enchanter and brings tons of healing, crowd control, and mobility boosts to her team. Her Q is great for starting fights or protecting her ADC, Her W heals her team and damages enemies, and her E provides a useful damage buff to her team. She can also slow enemies down during fights with her Ultimate. She pairs very well with ADCs like Lucian and Jhin but struggles with compositions with unreliable engage.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Nami excels in crowd control and sustain, and her healing and poke make her strong in lane. However, she can be very squishy which is why her positioning matters a lot.


Astronaut with a tool floating in space near a satellite

Abilities and Team Composition: Nautilus acts as a tanky support that's packed with crowd control. His Q hooks enemies, while W gives him a shield. His E slows enemies down, and R can knock up and stun targets. He shines with ADCs like Kai’Sa who can follow up on his moves, although he doesn't fit well in poke-heavy team compositions.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Nautilus is extremely durable and is great at initiating fights with his CC. His main weakness is being mana-hungry early, and relying on his Q too much for effectiveness.

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Animated girl in yellow jacket pointing with a magical creature

Abilities and Team Composition: Lulu protects and enhances her team by acting as an enchanter support. Her Q slows enemies passing through her attack, her W provides her team a speed boost, and her R makes her teammates larger, giving a massive strength buff. She’s good with late-game ADCs like Kog’Maw and Jinx, and not meant for compositions that rely too much on early aggression. 

Strengths and Weaknesses: Lulu is great at buffing hyper-carry ADCs and can turn fights with her polymorph and shields. However, she needs to cool down every now and then to stay effective. 


A dark, mystical warrior wielding green magical powers in a shadowy fantasy setting

Abilities and Team Composition: Thresh is an excellent playmaker with crowd control and tons of utility. His Q hooks enemies, his W shields his team, his E knocks enemies back, and his R slows enemies down by creating walls. He’s very effective with ADCs like Draven who can benefit from his engages, but he needs lots of team coordination.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Thresh is very flexible and versatile as he’s able to engage, peel, and make clutch plays. However, he’s hard to master and can be squishy if caught on. 


A large robotic suit powering up in an urban setting, surrounded by intrigued onlookers

Abilities and Team Composition: Blitzcrank is great at catching enemies with his Q. His W boosts his speed, adding extra mobility, and his R silences nearby enemies. He pairs nicely with Jinx in engages but can be exposed in certain compositions that rely too much on sustained damage over burst.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Blitzcrank is perfect for putting enemies into bad spots and controlling team fights. Like other supports, he needs to land his hook else he’s left vulnerable.


Enchanted forest fairy with magical staff among blooming flowers

Abilities and Team Composition: Lux is a poke-heavy mage support. Her Q roots enemies, her W shields her team from damage, and her E slows the enemy down. Her R is great for long-range attacks. She works well with ADCs who can follow up on her poke, but frontline tankiness isn't her strong suit. 

Strengths and Weaknesses: Lux is great if you want to engage the enemy from a distance, but her weakness is in her dependency on hitting skill shots, which is why she needs lots of practice to be effective. 


Fantasy female warrior floating in a magical underwater setting

Abilities and Team Composition: Seraphine is an enchanter support that focuses on healing and crowd control. Her Q damages enemies based on missing health, while her W protects and heals her team. Her E slows enemies down, and her R charms foes. She’s usually paired well with ADCs like Jinx but struggles when it comes to heavy engagement.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Seraphine is good at sustained healing and crowd control, but extremely vulnerable to burst damage, and needs to watch her positioning. 


Mystical warrior summoning magical powers in an ethereal forest setting

Abilities and Team Composition: Pyke is known for his burst damage and crowd control. His Q pulls enemies in towards him, his W gives him camouflage which allows him to sneak around, and his E stuns enemies. His R takes out any low-health targets. He pairs well with ADCs like Draven but can be left hanging if there is no follow-up.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Pyke is great for taking down weaker or low-health enemies, but he’s quite squishy himself and needs to land his shots at all costs.


Fantasy warrior woman in an epic battle scene

Abilities and Team Composition: Senna is an excellent marksman support and provides utility from a distance. Her Q heals her allies, her W roots enemies, her E gives her camouflage and a speed boost, and her R provides shields and damages in a wide area. She also works well with ADCs but struggles against hard engage supports.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Senna is great at dishing out damage from a distance and keeping her team alive and healthy, but requires good positioning.


Mystical wizard casting a powerful magic spell surrounded by cosmic energy

Abilities and Team Compositions: Zilean may be a Champion who tends to go under the radar for most, but his abilities are nothing to scoff at. With the ability to not only instantly increase the speed of fellow Champions but also to instantly stun an enemy Champion, Zilean is one of the best Support Champions to play. 

Strengths and Weaknesses: While Zilean can be excellent in team fights thanks to his AoE bomb ability and ultimate that brings a fellow Champion back to life, he’s extremely squishy and requires a significant amount of gold to build properly.


Are support Champions important in League of Legends?

Similar to other Champions in the team, Support Champions are crucial to ensure the other Champions have someone backing them up. This can be in the form of heals, speed boosts, or abilities that stun or root enemy Champions to make it easier to get rid of them.

Is it easy to solo queue as a Support main?

Statistically, it’s hardest to win matches in League of Legends consistently when solo queuing as a Support main. While other roles are mostly self-sufficient, most Supports can’t really solo carry their team, which is why they have to rely on random teammates. The best way to win more matches as a Support in League of Legends is to buy a League of Legends boost from Eloking to get to a high enough rank so teammates are more likely to be skilled.

What’s next?

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