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Everything to know about Citadels in PoE 2

Everything to know about Citadels in PoE 2

Path of Exile 2 [1] is one of the only games that managed to capture such a sizeable audience despite being in its early access phase. Path of Exile 2 and Hades 2 are two of the only games to achieve this, though no one’s surprised. Path of Exile 2 in particular has more content packed into it than some full-priced AAA games do.

However, as it is with games of this genre, players must research on a lot of things if they want to properly upgrade their characters. From builds to what every currency in the game does, most players spend a good portion of their playing time memorizing the uses of everything. One of the many things players must research is Citadels. To make things easier, we thought why not go through everything regarding Citadels in Path of Exile 2, including what they are, why they’re important, and how players can find them?

So, without anymore delay, here’s how to find Citadels in Path of Exile 2. If you’re struggling to reach the Citadels or conquer the bosses behind them, you can always buy some valuable orbs from Eloking’s Path of Exile 2 marketplace. We ensure buyers meet sellers in a regulated and safe environment so everyone benefits.

What are Citadels in PoE 2?

Aerial view of an ancient temple in a strategy game.

Citadels are special map nodes in the Atlas of Words during the Endgame of Path of Exile 2. There are three types of Citadels—Iron, Copper, and Stone. Every Citadel has a unique boss re-used from the campaign but buffed to match the endgame difficulty. Defeating these bosses gives players Crisis Fragments, which are essential to progress the Pinnacle of Flame quest and unlocking the Burning Monolith, the home of Arbiter of Ash, the Atlas pinnacle boss.

The Iron Citadel has Counter Geoner, an Act 1 boss. The area resembles a large city with black walls. Copper Citadel contains Jamanra, The Abomination, a boss in Act 2. The place is like a large encampment circling the map node. The Stone Citadel hosts Doryani, an Act 3 boss. This structure looks like the stone pyramids or the ziggurats in Act 3.

Remember, gamers can try every Citadel once, so failing an attempt can be costly. If the player doesn’t defeat the boss the first time, they can’t access that Citadel again.

The importance of Citadels in PoE 2

Map of the Burning Monolith with a skull marker

Citadels are essential to complete the “Pinnacle of Flame” quest and get the Crisis Fragments needed to unlock the Burning Monolith. Since they’re endgame content, players should prioritize these nodes for the unique rewards and challenging gameplay they offer. Players should use a Tier 15 or higher Waystone to access and activate these maps and have only one attempt to clear them. Citadels are unique map nodes that help diversify the endgame experience, retaining players for longer.

Alongside primary rewards, Citadels allows players to obtain rare loot. Their rewards include high-tier gear, special items, and crafting materials that gamers can use to strengthen or alter their character. Considering how difficult these bosses are, the rewards feel earned, giving players a sense of triumph.

How to find Citadels in the Atlas?

The Iron Citadel requires Waystone Tier 15 or higher, featuring a heart of corruption, borne of steel.

With the 0.1.1 update, it’s easier to find Citadels because of the addition of a large beacon of light above their location. This beacon pierces through the Fog of War, helping players find nearby Citadels on the Atlas map. The better visibility ensures that players can quickly find these nodes without spending extra time exploring the map. This mechanic was added to the game after many players in the community complained about how tough it was to come across a Citadel.

If no Citadels are near the player’s location, they should try routing through the Atlas. The best way to reveal Citadels is to path in a straight line. This strategy maximizes the area revealed on the Atlas map, increasing the chances of a player finding a new Citadel. Also, they should try to complete any Lost Towers they fight because they clear portions of the Fog of War around them.

A detailed view of a fantasy game map with mystical towers and symbols.

Different types of Citadels spawn in specific biomes. Iron Citadels are typically in Grass or Forest biomes. Copper Citadels are usually in Desert biomes. Stone Citadels are common along the coast of any biome. Players must focus on the corresponding biomes to tackle a specific Citadel. 

After finding a Citadel, it’s unlikely to see another spawn nearby. To find more Citadels, explore in a completely different direction from the path the player initially took to find the previous one. This technique increases the chances of finding new Citadel nodes. Also, players should try to note every biome they’ve explored to avoid repeat searches.

How to prepare for Citadels in PoE 2

Aerial view of a gameplay scene in Path of Exile featuring multiple characters.

Since tackling Citadels is tough, players must prepare before attempting it. They can prepare by equipping their character with gear and skills to help them in the upcoming fights. For example, they can bring defensive options to reduce the damage they take from powerful bosses and equip offensive abilities to maximize damage output. 

Gamers should keep potions and other consumable items in their inventory. These items can help in a pinch and be the difference between living and dying. Don’t use them at once, but try not to hoard them either since they’ll be useless if the player dies without consuming them. 

It’s essential to prepare because failing to complete a Citadel in one attempt will waste the player's efforts. 


Will Path of Exile 2 get more Citadels?

Since Path of Exile 2 is still in its early access phase it’s only natural that it’ll get more Citadels. After all, every act in the game has one Citadel and a boss bound to it. As more acts come to the game, more bosses, and by proxy more Citadels, will also be added. However, there’s no concrete date for when players can expect more Citadels in Path of Exile 2.

Did the first Path of Exile have Citadels?

Absolutely! Path of Exile introduced citadels as part of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion in December 2019. Each region of the Atlas contains a citadel, and these citadels can be unlocked as players progress through the storyline and defeat specific Conquerors. 

Just like the second game, once a citadel is unlocked, it allows players to socket Watchstones, which modify the maps in that region by raising their tier and adding special modifiers. This progression system enables players to access higher-level content and customize their endgame experience.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved January 17, 2025

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