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Best Keyboard and Mouse Settings for Overwatch 2
Anthony King
02 May 2024
Posted On
Playing Overwatch 2 with a keyboard and mouse is completely different from playing it with a controller. Although there's more potential to make some insane plays and flicks, there are several more factors that go into it. For starters, the settings you apply play a significantly bigger part, since, in a game full of keyboard and mouse users, you want any advantage possible.
Now, the fact of the matter is that there are no best settings for the keyboard and mouse because everyone usually changes some settings to suit their personal comfort and playstyle. However, there are certain settings that most would agree allow players to play better.
Below you'll find what settings people generally apply as well as things you can change to make the combination of settings perfect for you. If you're a controller player, then it might be worth checking out the best controller settings for Overwatch 2 instead.
How to Change Keyboard and Mouse Settings
Before telling you what keyboard and mouse settings to apply, we thought it best to first go through the steps you'll need to follow if you want to change the settings in the first place. Well,
First, you have to start up the application and get to the main menu.
Then, you want to go to the settings (or options) menu.
From here, navigate to the controls menu and you'll be able to change the control settings as you see fit.
Now, although it would be faster to open the settings in the main menu, it's actually recommended to do so while in a match by pressing the ESC key to bring up the pause menu and going to settings.
To be more specific, you should change the settings while either in a custom game or in the firing range map so you could instantly check out the applied settings and adjust them as you see fit.
Best Mouse Settings For Overwatch 2
DPI - 800
Sensitivity - 3.5-6
eDP - 4000-6300
Zoom Sensitivity - 30-40
Polling Rate - 1000Hz
Allied Health Bars - Always Show
Friendly Outlines - Always Show
Now, there are a couple of things you should change according to your personal comfort. To be more specific, the DPI and sensitivity options have to variations depending on the player's personal comfort and playstyle.
While the first variation has higher values to allow for more flicks and high level plays (this is usually accompanied by a slow DPI value), other players actually prefer the sensitivity to be lower as they're more comfortable with it (this is usually accompanied by a high DPI value).
Perhaps the most important recommendation we can give is to ensure the sensitivity is neither too fast for you, nor too slow. You might see certain professional players playing with extremely high or low sensitivity and performing well, but that's because they've put in the necessary practice. Practice that comes from slowly yet surely adjusting to the sensitivity instead of changing them in one go.
Therefore, be sure to experiment around with the settings and sensitivity before you find that sweet spot. You could always try going through a good Aim Labs routine for Overwatch 2 as well.
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Best Keyboard Settings For Overwatch 2
Forward - W
Back - S
Left - A
Right - D
Crouch - Left Control
Toggle Crouch - Up to you
Jump - Spacebar
Ability 1 - Left Shift
Ability 2 - E
Ultimate/Ability 3 - Q
Primary Fire - Left Mouse
Secondary Fire - Right Mouse
Equip Weapon 1 - 1
Equip Weapon 2 - 2
Quick Melee - V
Reload - R
Voice Chat Push to Talk - F
Again, although you could definitely change the keyboard settings according to your personal preference, these are the settings players usually apply.
Remember, the most important thing when it comes to keyboard settings is ensuring you're able to reach the correct key at the right time, especially in the missile of the match.
For example, if all of your button inputs are toward the left side of the keyboard, but the ultimate/ability 3 one is toward the right, how would your hand reach the ultimate key if the right hand is holding the mouse and the left hand is busy on the left side of the keyboard?
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